Friday, September 05, 2008

Persistent Attacks Continue

We are all entitled to an opinion about political personalities. I can find fault with virtually every politician, especially if they have not supported my perspective on issues. However, I also know that I can write anything and post it on the internet, and it would pass the sniff test. Presently, we know that Democratic operatives and hacks are masquerading on the internet with some of the most vicious personal attacks on Gov. Palin. Some of the Obama staffers are attempting to get McCain to dump Palin like Mcgovern did in 1972 by having the media constantly attack her family and her character. If this letter is true, I find it hard to believe that she would have an 80% popularity rating in Alaska. In 2006, Newsweek Magazine featured her on its cover and proclaimed her an outstanding governor. Only this week, in 2008, has their view changed.

I, for one, will proudly support the McCain-Palin ticket as I see the Obama-Biden ticket moving us towards increased taxation on businesses which will only increase the growing unemployment rate, and more importantly,increasing the inflation rate while also increasing the size and scope of the federal government and its bureaucracy. Both increased taxes on businesses and rising inflation will return us to the Carter years of stagflation.

In my humble opinion as a retired Political Science and Economics instructor, the energy crisis is the most crucial national security risk facing this nation, and watching the Do-Nothing Democractic controlled Congress refuse to take a straight up or down vote on drilling offshore leaves me perplexed. Is their stance on this issue all because they have great disdain for Republicans?

We will always need oil. No manufacturing or industry can operate machinery without oil for lubrication and production of goods and services. The production of goods and services is what grows our economy and creates jobs. Yes, we need a comprehensive energy plan, but until we can develop alternative sources requiring at least 10 years,we will need to drill for our own oil supply. We should have been drilling long ago in order to reduce our foreign dependency and to bridge the gap until the alternative sources were developed. Somehow I just don't see myself driving a car with a windmill on the back of the car hoping the wind will blow so my car will move.

The second most crucial national security risk remains the War on Terrorism, which has replaced the Cold War. Russia, however, seems to have decided that there should be a Cold War over the control of gas and oil lines, and this has the potential to become the new form of terrorism. The Obama-Biden ticket does not strike me as strongly committed to the seriousness of this issue and that of protecting Israel from a nuclear Iran. Senator Biden, in a clandestine meeting with some Israeli officials, told those officials that Israel should get over it and not worry about an Iran with nuclear weapons. Admittedly, I am personally biased when it comes to Israel because my dearest friends in the world are Jewish, and for that I remain a strong and faithful Zionist.

A continuation of policies of big government and complacency on national security and economic issues are not the direction this nation needs. Nor can we endure another Carter style stagflation.

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