Monday, September 01, 2008

Dem Criticism

The reaction of the Dems to John McCain's selection of Governone Sarah Palin is without a doubt disgustingly nothing more than sour grapes. The truth is they had two shots at having a woman on their ticket. Twice the Dems rejected a woman. McCain chose a woman as his running mate, and the Dems have decided to belittle her, criticize her lack of experience, which is a laughable criticism.

Sarah Palin has 16 years of executive experience. Now the Dems decided to ridicule her mayoral position of a small town. Is this an attempt to belittle small town USA? Is this an attempt to ridicule middle America? Well, here's a news flash for the Dems and the Obama campaign: The heart and soul the America is small town USA. Not everyone chooses to live in the Big Apple, the City of Brotherly Love, nor the Windy City.

Sarah Palin is the only candidate to have run a government (Barack Obama has run the Chicago Democratic Machine's ground efforts to distribute campaign money to street workers), and Sarah Palin is the only candidate to serve as Commander-in-Chief serving as the Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard.

The Obama campaign needs to remember: Judge not, lest ye be judged.

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