Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Obama: Politics of Hope and Real Change

Desperate men do desperate things in desperate times.

Barack Hussein Obama is an unsullied presidential candidate. In fact, he is an unsullied politician. When you run in elections as the candidate for the Chicago Political Machine, you should win hands down because as a community organizer for the Machine all you have to do is walk around and hand out money to voters. Well, Barack Hussein Obama was soundly defeated eight years ago in his first election after which he always faced candidates who miraculously had a sudden personal scandal that mysteriously arrived shortly before an election.

The 2008 Dem primary was no challenge for Barack Hussein Obama because he laid the ground rules: can't criticize his ears, his middle name, his background, his mother, his father, his half siblings, his grandmother ( scratch that one because he threw Granny under the bus never to be seen or heard from again!), William Ayers (notorious terrorist who attempt to blow up the US Capitol and the US Pentagon, pastor Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, and of course, Michelle My Belle.

Well, the unsullied, unexamined, unvetted Dem presidential candidate is now desperate because the Republicans are attacking him on issues, and since he's voted "present" 90%+ times, he has no significant voting record. We do know, however, that he voted TWICE FOR THE BRIDGE TO NOWHERE! In the Washington Post, Tuesday, September 9, 2008 in Paul Kane's article,"Stevens: No 'Bridge to Nowhere' Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) spoke up as a defender of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's position on the controversial "Bridge to Nowhere" project. Stevens, who once threatened to resign his Senate seat in 2005 if $223 million for the bridge project was defeated, told reporters today that Palin was never a supporter of the project, which has quickly become a bone of contention in defining the GOP vice-presidential nominee's self proclaimed image as a maverick reformer who took on "the good ol' boys network" of Alaska Republicans. "I don't remember her ever campaigning for it. As a matter of fact, she was very critical of it at the time. And she took the money and did not use it for the bridge, so you're wrong, as far as I'm concerned," Stevens said today.

So how does Barack Hussein Obama counter the Republican attacks?

You play the victim (just what we want in a President, someone who loves a pity-party!). Now Barack Hussein Obama's strategy is to personalize his attacks against Governor Sarah Palin.

Here is his latest comment on Tuesday night, September 9, 2008: “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” Barack Hussein Obama said during a town-hall meeting as he delivered what he thought was a funny comment and attack on the McCain-Palin ticket.

How pathetic is this for someone who wants to be the leader of the free world! Will he name call Ahmandinejad? Putin? Chavez? Medvedev? Hu Jintao? Probably not, because Barack Hussein Obama is the victim who has no intestinal fortitude to stand up to any criticism without pitching a hissy fit.

Barack Hussein Obama's Campaign Example of the Politics of Hope and Change

Barack Hussein Obama: His Politics of Hope, The New Change He'll Bring to Washington

Joseph Robinette Biden Asks a Gentleman in a Wheelchair to Stand Up

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