Friday, September 19, 2008

Do-Nothing Congress: Time to Send Them Packing

The engines of American economic growth have always been the American worker and the free enterprise system. From Jamestown and Plymouth, that can-do spirit of self-reliance, initiative, innovation, and entrepreneurship made America exceptional.

Throughout our history, the spirit of civic participation and working together to solve our problems made America unique and exceptional. Americans can solve this current economic setback because we want to work, we want to fulfill the American dream of owning our own homes, providing our children with the best educational opportunities, and achieving financial security. What we need is for government to get out of our way.

Americans no longer want a Do-Nothing Congress that has refused to seek energy independence. Instead, we have a Do-Nothing Congress that has chosen to keep us dependent on foreign oil controlled by nations that want to see the United States fail. Instead of keeping the $750+ billion dollars to help American families, the Do-Nothing Congress chooses to give this money to the oil cartel.

Americans no longer want a Do-Nothing Congress that has refused to reform and enforce regulations on government agencies that have become a cesspool of greed and corruption.

Americans no longer want a Do-Nothing Congress that continues to put more restrictions and restraints in the way of American workers and families achieving the American Dream.

The current Do-Nothing Congress has chosen to govern by the policies of Refusal, Restriction, and Restraint. The only way to take back the self-reliant, initiative, and enterprising spirit is to send the Do-Nothing Congress packing. Besides, they demonstrated this summer that five week vacations are preferable than declaring energy independence.

It is time for Americans to declare independence from a Do-Nothing Congress. Vote the bums out!

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Mrs. Wetzel - I could not agree more with your assessment. "We the people" must be the success and strength of this nation. We are only as free as we are personally responsible. It is time to act. You taught me so much as a student that concurred with my beliefs and value system and it is because of those principles which I cherish that I fear greatly for the welfare of this nation. It is more than an economic crisis. It is a crisis of attitude, a crisis of complacency, and a crisis of adulterating the greatest government instituted by man in the history of the world. I want to become more involved and have tried to awaken others, but I am not totally sure of how. I'm afraid that even much of the Republican Party has strayed from those principles which it once held inviolate. "These are the days that try mens' souls." Thanks for helping me to form a solid foundation on which to stand during these trying times.