Sunday, September 07, 2008

Obama's Lobbying Connections

Obama likes to tout that McCain depends on lobbyists. Well, perhaps Senator Obama needs to be a little more honest with the American public.

His campaign manager is David Axelrod, Democratic consultant, lobbyist, and henchman for Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and the Chicago Political Machine.

His Campaign finance manager is Penny Pritzker former banking lobbyist and former chairwoman of the Hyatt Hotel chain; former chairman of Superior Bank FSB that went bankrupt. According to FDCI reports, Pritzker's strategy of high risk investments focusing on significant volumes of sub-prime mortgages was an unsound management strategy, and her ailure to establish a sufficient oversight management resulted in the collapse of Superior Bank costing the FDIC $750 million.

Jim Johnson, Obama supporter and advisor, was the former Chairman of Fannie Mae. Johnson personally received 3 loans in the total sum of $1.7 million from the now infamous CountryWide Financial Corporation.

Tony Rezko and his wife helped Obama and his wife Michelle secure a loan to buy their present home in the Chicago suburbs. If you haven't heard of Tony Rezko, you will hear more about his corrupt slum lord dealings later.

Obama seems to have close political ties to those who were heavily involved in promoting the sub-prime housing markets that have led to the housing and financial crisis in the United States. Many of his campaign staff and underlings are former lobbyists and banking executives who have raised millions of dollars for Obama's campaigns. Obama's background in the Chicago Political Machine where deals and favors are the norm should raise the question of how would Obama really reform the housing industry if he is financially obligated to those who helped create the economic and credit crisis?

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