Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Andrea Mitchell and the Angry Left Wing Kooks

The Angry Left Wing Kooks have decided to make character assassination their strategy in the 2008 election. Joining in the fray is the socialist mainstream media.

Chiming in with her two cents worth of ignorance is NBC's Andrea Mitchell who stated that only uneducated, blue collar women would possibly consider voting for someone like Governor Sarah Palin.

Guess what, Andrea. You're dead wrong. I happen to be an educated woman who holds a Master of Arts degree and am a proud member of Phi Beta Kappa. I am actively supporting Governor Sarah Palin as the Vice President of the United States. You and your Democratic cohorts in crime realize now you blew it at your convention. You had two shots at putting a woman on your ticket, and two times you shot it down. The next time you want to discuss something intelligibly, I'll see if I can fit you into my schedule.

While we're on it, Andrea, the next time you and your Meet the Press cronies want to condemn a working mother and wonder how she can work and take care of a special needs child, I strongly recommend you ask your close friend Judy Woodruff at CNN-Washington, how she takes care of her special needs son.

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