Saturday, October 18, 2008

An Open Letter to Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal

Ms. Noonan, after reading your anathematic diatribe attempting to pass judgment on Governor Sarah Palin, I wanted to tell you that the only true claim to notoriety you have is your famous one line in one speech. Had it not been for Ronald Reagan, you would probably be a "journalist professor" in some obscure liberal socialist institution attempting to pass itself off as Academia.

Your weak attempt to pass as a conservative is without a doubt the most appalling farce I have crossed in sometime. I am a conservative, I know what a conservative stands for, and you, Ms. Noonan are not a conservative.

Intent on impugning Governor Palin for not having an Ivy League education, for not being the pretentious snob that radiates from New York City and the East Coast (by the way, I do live on the East Coast and the pretentiousness of the East Coast is disgusting), Ms. Noonan you just don't get small town America, you just don't get it that most Americans find the East Coast Elitist as pure snobs.

Governor Palin may not be the Foreign Policy Expert that Joe the Senator is suppose to be although he really made some glaring mistakes when he discussed the recent events in the Middle East. Governor Palin is not the socialist Marxist who wants to spread the wealth, which most of the Main Stream Media(that would be you, Ms. Noonan) failed to realize is straight out of Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto.

Governor Palin understands energy do not. Governor Palin understands caring and loving all children and not aborting them because they are do not. Governor Palin understands middleclass working mothers and fathers raising children without seeking a government do not. Governor Palin understands what it is like to start a business from scratch, to work multiple jobs in order to provide for your family's well do not.

You and your ilk hate Sarah Palin because she has accomplished more than you have on her own because she wanted it badly enough. She knows what small towns are about. She's one of us. She's not one of you and your ilk, and you'll never understand it. Never. You don't try, and you don't care. Why? We're not in your social elite circle, and quite frankly we would not want to be there either.

Until you have walked in her shoes, then why don't you back off your sanctimonious judgment.
R.K. Wetzel, MA, Phi Beta Kappa

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