Thursday, October 09, 2008

In Plain Sight

The largest radical organization in the United States is none other than ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN is the successor to the 1960’s radical, extremist group the “New Left”.

Growing out of the "New Left's" most destructive and violent organization, the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), ACORN flies under the national radar by operating locally in liberal urban areas.

NWRO in the 1960s operated on an anti-capitalism agenda and its tactics were sit-ins and disruptions in welfare offices. The goal of NWRO was to eliminate welfare eligibility restrictions, flood the welfare rolls with so many clients that the system would collapse. The original theory of the NWRO’s was the overburdened welfare system would cause the destruction of “America’s unjust capitalist economy.” Instead of a socialist utopia, we got a culture of welfare dependency. Along came welfare reform, and the culture of dependency began to dwindle thus putting a damper on socialist dreams.

ACORN holds to the radical economic framework of NWRO and its 1960’s style tactics, but the strategy and it targets have changed. The new goals are living wages, targeting big-box stores like Wal-Mart, rolling back welfare reform, regulating banks, and combating predatory lending. ACORN organizes bus loads of protesters to intentionally target individuals who oppose their goals by terrifying these persons and their families at their homes.

ACORN’s ultimate goal is to effectively take over the political system of the United States from within. One of ACORN’s more prominent members is none other than Barack H. Obama, who was a community organizer in Chicago in his pre-law days. His job was to organize demonstrations in the mold of the 1960s radical groups.

Presently, ACORN is masterminding widespread voter fraud throughout the United States. Several individuals with ACORN ties recently were found guilty of voter fraud in Alabama and are now doing prison time for the crimes they perpetuated.

Barack H. Obama, attorney for ACORN, filed a class action suit against Citigroup in 1994 for redlining and preventing Blacks from obtaining low cost, zero down payment mortgages. Barack H. Obama was also the attorney for ACORN in 1995 who won a law suit forcing Illinois to implement the federal 'motor-voter' bill.

Barack H. Obama's connections to ACORN are more than extensive. He served as a leadership trainer for ACORN, served as ACORN's attorney, and served on the board of directors of two foundations, the Woods Foundation and the Joyce Foundation, along with Weather Underground Terrorist Bill Ayers, that provided millions of dollars to ACORN. It was through these organizations that Barack H. Obama became connected to and totally involved with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Phleger, and Madeleine Talbot-Director of Chicago ACORN.

Barack H. Obama’s connections to nefarious groups and individuals are frightening. Are we truly prepared to allow this man inside the Citadel of Democracy?

An outstanding investigative report on Obama’s ties to ACORN can be found in Stanley Kurtz’ article,Inside Obama’s Acorn.

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