Sunday, October 19, 2008

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time in the land of Hard Work and Industry, a voice from THE ONE spoke up with a plan to spread the wealth. Why should some people make more than others?

THE ONE struck up the idea that instead of there being different salaries for teachers, professors, actors, movie directors, movie producers, news anchors, journalists, professional athletes, architects, bankers, mortgage lenders, accountants, secretaries, engineers, maintenance crews, doctors, lawyers, nurses, technicians, sales reps,the President and Congress,all government workers,CEOs,military personnel,etc., everyone would receive the same salary.

Say,$35,000. There would be no exceptions. In fact, we could just send every breathing human in the land of Hard Work and Industry a check for simply being alive!! Whoa, isn't that grand?

In fact, there would be no pay increases because of one's training, skill sets,or seniority. Thus, we wouldn't need schools and colleges. In fact, we wouldn't need jobs. The government could just send everyone an annual check.

Wouldn't this be fantastic? No work! No stress! No hassles! No incentives! No motivation to improve! Wow, what a wonderful life! What a wonderful leader and inspiration is THE ONE!

We would all live happily ever after. Ah, to live in utopia!

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