Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama Told Ohio Plumber: I Will Spread the Wealth

If ever a US presidential candidate took a page and quote directly from the father of Communism, Karl Marx, it is Barack H. Obama.

At an Ohio rally, Obama told a struggling businessman, my goal is to spread the wealth from those who have to those who do not have.
Read Obama's Remarks

In 1848 in his book,The Communist Manifesto,Karl Marx proposed the Class Struggle Theory in which he called for taking from those who have and giving to those who do not have. To Marx it did not matter if those who did not have were making any efforts to work or not. Marx played the class warfare card.

Look at Obama ads. Listen to his words. Obama is playing the Class Warfare Card. His words and his actions are divisive, yet he claims he is the uniter.

Then there are those who will cheer and say, take it from the wealthy. There is no magic price tag on wealth. Obama has miraculously chosen those making $250,000 income. The truth is that those making $250,000 a year are not wealthy. The wealthy such as the Kennedy clan, the Roosevelts, the Hollywood stars (who incidentally got a tax break in the Bailout plan), don't pay taxes like you and me. Their money is in offshore accounts and Swiss accounts so their money isn't treated as simple income.

When Obama finds that the tax increase on people making $250,000 isn't going to pay for all his Trillion Dollar increase in the budget, when will he lower that $250,000 to say $40,000? He brags he is going to raise the capital gains tax on businesses. What a lie! Capital gains taxes on not levied on businesses...they are levied on anyone who has any kind of investment: savings, Roth IRAs, IRAs, 401ks, stocks, mutuals. If you are short on cash and decide to cash in your investments, guess what? You will pay Obama's new capital gains tax.

Come on folks, think! Are you going to let this man's class warfare tactic sucker you in like the folks in 1917 in Russia who bought into that nightmare?

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