Thursday, October 02, 2008

The October Surprise?

Fearmongering. Is that the new October Surprise from the Democrats?

Two weeks ago, registered Democrat Henry Paulson, Sec. of the Treasury, (best friend of Sen. Chuckie Schumer:D-NY and Sen. Chris Dodd:D-CT), told President George Bush that the entire US economy was in peril and would collapse overnight if the Congress did not give him (Paulson) $700 BN. Immediately swinging into action were House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid who both blamed the perceived failing economy on George Bush and the Republicans for the last eight years.

Paulson, Pelosi, and Reid have picked up the Democratic Party’s tactic of planting FEAR in the American electorate.

Thus, emerges the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (aka Armageddon Avoidance Act) giving the Sec. of Treasury total economic control of the US economy. Read it if you doubt that statement.

A week after Paulson’s dire SOS warning, the House failed to pass the bill. The economy still is working.

On Wednesday, October 1, 2008, the US Senate took a step which frankly is unconstitutional. The Constitution requires all revenue bills to begin in the House. The new bailout bill calling for over $850 Billion dollar bailout was started in the Senate. Not only is it unconstitutional, this bill is so loaded down with earmarks that even the liberal Congressional Budget Office sent out a red flag warning that we would be paying for this piece of legislation for at least the next 15-20 years. This piece of legislation is so loaded with pork it will sink in the pig sty.

Rather than resolve the economic issues that have generated this financial crisis, the US Congress and Secretary Paulson have chosen to apply a bandaid. In 1977, Congress passed the Community Readjustment Act which gave community organizations such as ACORN the power to tell local banks to whom they must give mortgages. If banks refused to give certain clientele mortgages because they financially could not make their mortgage payments, the banks would be penalized by the US government. Banks who redlined persons not financially qualified for mortgages were then threatened with class action lawsuits or punitive action from the US Department of Justice. In 1994, Citibank was confronted by such a lawsuit filed on behalf of ACORN. The attorney for ACORN filing the lawsuit: BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

Should BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA be elected President, one can only wonder if the ‘economic crisis’ will disappear overnight.

Is this the President we want, one who is willing to play on the fears of the American people in order to win an election? One who desperately wants to deflect the public's attention away from his association with William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan? One who wants the Americans to forget he has voted 94 times in the 143 days in the US Senate for tax increases...even on families with incomes of $42,000? One who has the most liberal voting record in all of Congress---more liberal than the two Socialists who are in Congress?

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