Thursday, August 14, 2008

Two Americas

Remember John Edwards' campaign speeches about there being Two Americas? Turns out Edwards knew what he was talking about.

Yep, he personally knew there were two women, two families, two love nests, thus two Americas. Now he's learned it again. Edwards is no longer on Obama's short list for VP or a Cabinet post. He's been uninvited to the Obama Fest in Denver.

Meanwhile, another fellow Democrat who lived in more than Two Americas and was impeached for his perjury about his nefarious lifestyle in Multiple Americas gets to be a major player at the Obama Fest, and gets one night at center stage to be the focus of the Democrats' praise and glory.

Yes, John, there are Two Americas, aren't there?

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Well said. It seems a house divided in its moral fabric, an "indispensible support" of good government, may be in greater danger than it was over the issue of slavery. Some view such readily occurring instances as independent of the success and progress of a nation. To me, they are a fire bell in the night.