Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Have you been to the grocery store lately? How about a restaurant? Did these prices blow you away? What we now are experiencing is inflation, and inflation is a tax on everyone. Inflation is not discriminatory because it does not recognize socioeconomic classes. Every one is hit by inflation.

Well, you can thank the rising oil prices as well as the completely idiotic and useless ethanol subsidy plan that has reduced the amount of corn for food consumption for this inflation.

Corn is used to feed animals we consume in our food chain. Corn syrup is used in the manufacturing of our processed foods. Because farmers get a guaranteed subsidy for producing more corn, less wheat is grown which has generated a shortage of wheat for the food market. Do you realize how much wheat we consume in our staples?

Transportation costs for bringing the now more expensive food items to the grocery shelves and the restaurants has also contributed to rising food prices. The increased cost of transportation is not the result of inadequately inflated tires and lack of tune ups, but it is the result of a shortage of oil.

As China becomes more industrialized and increasing the number of vehicles on the road, the demand for oil has increased. With India following the same path as the Chinese, this adds an additional demand for oil.

China and India should industrialize and participate in the market for oil. Why should they not try to move from Lesser Developed economies to emerging economies?

What is more troubling is the lack of Democratic leadership in standing up for the United States continuing as a developed economy. Instead, their position is that to drill will require 10 years to produce significant oil to make an impact on the supply of oil. What are we waiting for? Why wait 10 years?

Quite frankly, drilling now will alleviate the pain at the pump. Reducing the pain at the pump will alleviate the pain at the grocery store. According to a national political pundit, perhaps the questions to ask the Democrats is this one: “If drilling is bad, why drill at all? Shouldn’t Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi call up the Saudis, the Chinese, the Russians, the Cubans, Chavez in Venezuela, Ahmadinejad in Iran, and the new free government in Iraq: STOP DRILLING!”

If something is not done soon to alleviate this pain, we will begin to see a recession kick in because businesses cannot continue to hire people while their costs of buying products to sell is rising due to increasing transportation costs.

The Democrats say that in 10 years renewable energy sources will get us off our oil addiction. In the meantime, are we suppose to sit by and watch the food prices rise, the price of oil for heating our homes this winter go through the stratosphere? Do we attach a windmill to our cars and hope the wind is blowing that day so we can make it to work?

Come on, Americans. Wake up to the reality that the Democrats in Congress are not trying to solve our energy crisis. They are desperate to stay in power because they believe they are rightfully entitled to be in power. Meanwhile, they don’t give a rip about the inflation that is eating away at our livelihood.

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