Saturday, August 23, 2008

Now is the Time!

The time has come for the Republican Party to stand up for the party values that it demonstrated in 1854..liberation and equality. Senator McCain could be the maverick, the leader who says it is time to recognize the power and leadership of women. Women have taken the back seat in this party, in this election process for far too long.

My great great grandfather was one of the first Republicans in the state of Alabama in 1861 when he decided to leave the Democratic Party and stay with the Union. I am proud of his courage to go outside the box and take a risk. He was a hero to many then, and he remains a hero to me. He stood up for what was right and good.

I urge the Senator to look at what needs to be done for the faithful women of this party and nation who need the chance to lead. Kay Bailey Hutchison is the right woman,who has experience and leadership. Now is the time to lead, not follow.

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