Sunday, April 20, 2008

So Which Is It, Senator Obama?

For a man who campaigned in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Saturday, April 19, that he is not about the politics of tearing people down, Senator Barack Obama must have had an epiphany in one week’s time.

Only on Friday, April 12 in Marin County, CA at a select soiree with liberals from the San Francisco elite, Obama in what he thought was an exclusive not tell-all group, maligned the simple folk of Pennsylvania about their bitterness which caused them to cling to guns and religion.

So who is the real Barack Obama? Is he the one who attended elite Hawaiian prep schools and then was educated in the elite Ivy League schools?

Elitism is not simply about money. Elitism is not simply about family connections. Elitism is about looking down on people with the attitude that you are better because you are arrogant and condescending. Elitism is characterized in those with a professorial attitude that I am above you people down there.

Well, Senator Obama, Maureen Dowd got it right in her article, In Darkest Pennsylvania. “What turns off voters is the detached egghead quality they tend to equate with wimpiness, wordiness, and a lack of action.”

So which is it Obama: are people in Pennsylvania in the dark? Or have you stopped playing the politics of tearing people down?

Your true character is on the line.

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