Monday, April 07, 2008

McCain and the VP

Either the media, the Dems,or both are focusing on who will be McCain's VP. Not sure of this strategy as the focus keeps McCain in the news with free TV time. Whatever the reason, the media is now running the story put out by Dan Senor (married to CNN's Campbell Brown)that Condi Rice is politicking for the VP spot.

Personally, Condi is an intelligent woman who would bring a much needed change for the Reps...a Black candidate and a woman. The problem, however, is she is too closely identified with the Bush Administration which for obvious reasons nets great negativity.

Not exactly sure who the other 19 possible candidates are, but there are others who bring different and less strident credentials to the McCain ticket. Youth, no close ties to Bush, appeals to a range of voters including Reagan Democrats and Independents would be some likeable features as well as someone who understands the difficult economic issues brought about by the predatory mortgage actions imposed on the financial system under the the Democratic controlled Congress as well as the minimum wage increase that has generated increased economic hardship on struggling small busineses. Also, the VP candidate must be thoroughly versed in the War on Terror which is this generations' version of the Cold War.

Pulling the troops out of Iraq will not bring an end to terrorism. To believe that is to place a bag over your head and fail to understand what is transpiring across the globe.

McCain's selection must be meticulous, thorough, and reasonable. There is no reason to make a selection until after the Democratic party's convention. Do you think for one minute the Dems would tip their hand? Not a prayer. Besides, this is politics: who gets what, when, where, how, and why.

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