Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Dems' Disconnect on Oil Prices

Hillary attacks Big Oil and claims Big Oil is using highway robbery in price gauging at the pump. Obama's latest ad in Pennsylvania laments over the price of gasoline while claiming he doesn't take money from the oil company. (His last statement is true, but then no candidate takes money from oil companies. ALL CORPORATIONS ARE PROHIBITED BY LAW FROM CONTRIBUTING TO CAMPAIGNS!!!) Obama does, however, receive money from oil executives and has received money to the tune of $214,000.

But the most important point is this: Democrats in the Congress block drilling for new oil supplies yet call for oil independence. Where is this oil supply suppose to come from? An oil cloud in the sky?

Second point: In his book, Earth in the Balance written in 1993, the sacred, annointed messiah of Global Warming--Albert Gore-- stated Americans SHOULD BE PAYING $5.00 a gallon for gasoline. Incidentally, Barack Obama said in Pennsylvania today that Albert Gore would play a significant role in his administration. Doing what, Obama---raising our gas prices?

So Dems, are you being truthful with the American people about your position on oil or have we run into an oil spill?

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