Sunday, April 20, 2008

So Which Is It, Senator Obama?

For a man who campaigned in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Saturday, April 19, that he is not about the politics of tearing people down, Senator Barack Obama must have had an epiphany in one week’s time.

Only on Friday, April 12 in Marin County, CA at a select soiree with liberals from the San Francisco elite, Obama in what he thought was an exclusive not tell-all group, maligned the simple folk of Pennsylvania about their bitterness which caused them to cling to guns and religion.

So who is the real Barack Obama? Is he the one who attended elite Hawaiian prep schools and then was educated in the elite Ivy League schools?

Elitism is not simply about money. Elitism is not simply about family connections. Elitism is about looking down on people with the attitude that you are better because you are arrogant and condescending. Elitism is characterized in those with a professorial attitude that I am above you people down there.

Well, Senator Obama, Maureen Dowd got it right in her article, In Darkest Pennsylvania. “What turns off voters is the detached egghead quality they tend to equate with wimpiness, wordiness, and a lack of action.”

So which is it Obama: are people in Pennsylvania in the dark? Or have you stopped playing the politics of tearing people down?

Your true character is on the line.

Monday, April 14, 2008

It May Come As A Surprise

It may come as a major surprise to Senator Obama that unlike extremist Jihadists who turn to radical interpretations about Islam because they are angry about their own lives, many--if not most-- Pennsylvanians turn to religion because of FAITH.

In case Faith was not discussed in Rev. Wright's ranting sermons, Faith is a personal relationship and trust that G-d is present in our lives all the time. Do some of us turn to G-d when we're down or frustrated? Yes. Do some of us turn to G-d to praise Him when things are going well? Yes.

I can only speak for myself, Senator. I don't turn to G-d out of anger, bitterness. I turn to G-d out of love, trust, and faith.

Senator, I don't need your condescension and arrogance to judge or assess my faith.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Obama's Negative Attack on Pennsylvania

Pennsylvanians must be the judge on this comment by Barack Obama:

The Huffington Post originally quoted Obama as saying: “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are going to regenerate and they have not.

“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Is Obama an elitist? Wonder what his true feelings are about other states? Will the main stream media discuss this slam against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and its citizens?

And, yes, Senator Obama, Pennsylvanians will judge this comment on April 22, 2008, and if you should get the Dem nomination, we will judge you again in November.

Monday, April 07, 2008

McCain and the VP

Either the media, the Dems,or both are focusing on who will be McCain's VP. Not sure of this strategy as the focus keeps McCain in the news with free TV time. Whatever the reason, the media is now running the story put out by Dan Senor (married to CNN's Campbell Brown)that Condi Rice is politicking for the VP spot.

Personally, Condi is an intelligent woman who would bring a much needed change for the Reps...a Black candidate and a woman. The problem, however, is she is too closely identified with the Bush Administration which for obvious reasons nets great negativity.

Not exactly sure who the other 19 possible candidates are, but there are others who bring different and less strident credentials to the McCain ticket. Youth, no close ties to Bush, appeals to a range of voters including Reagan Democrats and Independents would be some likeable features as well as someone who understands the difficult economic issues brought about by the predatory mortgage actions imposed on the financial system under the the Democratic controlled Congress as well as the minimum wage increase that has generated increased economic hardship on struggling small busineses. Also, the VP candidate must be thoroughly versed in the War on Terror which is this generations' version of the Cold War.

Pulling the troops out of Iraq will not bring an end to terrorism. To believe that is to place a bag over your head and fail to understand what is transpiring across the globe.

McCain's selection must be meticulous, thorough, and reasonable. There is no reason to make a selection until after the Democratic party's convention. Do you think for one minute the Dems would tip their hand? Not a prayer. Besides, this is politics: who gets what, when, where, how, and why.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Senator Obama, So What is Your Iraqi Time Table?

Apparently another military, foreign policy adviser for Obama is stating something differently from the Senator on the exit strategy from Iraq. Adviser Kahl states the US would have to keep at least 80,000-89,000 troops in Iraq until 2010.

Obama Adviser

State of the Economy

Hillary and Obama have both come out with possible solutions to the lagging economy. Both candidates advocate the following to jump start the economy:

1. Raise income taxes.

2. Eliminate and / or change the North Amercian Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico (It should be pointed out that the No. 1 and No. 2 sources for the United States' oil supply are Canada and Mexico, respectively.)

3. Not sign the free trade agreement with Columbia, one of our strongest trading partners in Latin America.

4. Tax US companies that have any plants, facilities, outside the US (which would be a staggering number of companies, thus virtually raising taxes on all businesses).

5. Impose a tariff on foreign made products coming into the US (which would be virtually all products on the shelves in stores).

6. Possibly impose a price freeze.

7. Raise the capital gains tax on investors (which stimulates new businesses and creates jobs from 15% to possibly 35%)

Think back in history to 1929-1930: the economy was slumping faster than what we are presently experiencing. The President of the United States

1. imposed an income tax on the wealthy

2. signed into law the Smoot-Hawley Tariff

3. cut off free trade

4. imposed a price and wage freeze

That President was Herbert Hoover. What followed was the Great Depression.

Both Senators Clinton and Obama voted for the minimum wage increase that went into law in 2007. Anyone who has had Economics 101 should recall that increases in minimum wage is inflationary, leads to a shortage of jobs, and results in people being layed off or their hours of work reduced.

On the Tonight Show Thursday night, Senator Clinton told the story of a young boy who told her that his mother earned minimum wage, but her hours had been reduced. Senator Clinton said she was shocked to learn this. Maybe she didn't take economics in college, but if she is as economic savvy as she claims, or if she has any economic advisors at all, she should have known before she voted that raising prices/wages is cost-push inflation and that businesses either pass that cost on to the consumer or they will attempt to recoup that expense by reducing the number of employees.

It's not rocket science folks.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Dems' Disconnect on Oil Prices

Hillary attacks Big Oil and claims Big Oil is using highway robbery in price gauging at the pump. Obama's latest ad in Pennsylvania laments over the price of gasoline while claiming he doesn't take money from the oil company. (His last statement is true, but then no candidate takes money from oil companies. ALL CORPORATIONS ARE PROHIBITED BY LAW FROM CONTRIBUTING TO CAMPAIGNS!!!) Obama does, however, receive money from oil executives and has received money to the tune of $214,000.

But the most important point is this: Democrats in the Congress block drilling for new oil supplies yet call for oil independence. Where is this oil supply suppose to come from? An oil cloud in the sky?

Second point: In his book, Earth in the Balance written in 1993, the sacred, annointed messiah of Global Warming--Albert Gore-- stated Americans SHOULD BE PAYING $5.00 a gallon for gasoline. Incidentally, Barack Obama said in Pennsylvania today that Albert Gore would play a significant role in his administration. Doing what, Obama---raising our gas prices?

So Dems, are you being truthful with the American people about your position on oil or have we run into an oil spill?