Monday, July 17, 2006

What Needs To Be Done

The world faces perhaps the most strident and perilous crisis in history. The world as we know it-and even as our fathers knew it-faces an enemy who no longer fears democracy. Liberalism that lacks a core value and operates on the weakened pretense of passive non-resistance has kowtowed to the Islamo-Fascist fundamentalists.

We fail to understand the simple point and message: The Islamo-Fascist Fundamentalists have vowed to destroy not only Israel but democracy and civilization as we know it.

And what have we done to stop it?

Jimmy Carter in 1979 hid in the White House. William Jefferson Clinton stayed in the Oval Office with an intern. The main stream media joined with the enemy and revealed as many of the methods of surveillance used by the Bush Administration to stop the terrorist from striking us.

A cease fire with the terrorists Hezbollah and Hamas will only prolong the Islamo Fscist movement.

Ignoring the demonic regime in Iran by allowing them to acquire nuclear weapons will be a devastating blow to our existence.

The Fabian Socialist media is willing to destroy this nation, and for what? A world gone mad that will make the Holy Crusades look like romper room.

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