Saturday, July 29, 2006

A View on the World

The world seems asleep and numb to the ill winds sweeping across the plains, valleys, mountains and coastal regions of the world. Not only is there the turmoil of war in the Middle East, but there is saber rattling from every corner of the earth.

N.Korea, Iran, and Pakistan are clamoring for nuclear weapons. They aren't asking for nuclear power to provide industrial growth. They want nuclear weapons.

Hugo Chavez has now joined the nuclear weapons club wanna bes, and he has successfully struck a weapons deal with Russia.

There are two nations who have great influence over these saber rattling nations. Those nations are Russia and China.

The U.S. has a card it can play, but apparently it is reluctant to play it. A moratorium on US businesses locating in Russia and China would send a realistic economic message to both Russia and China that the US is serious about putting the halt to N. Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and Venezuela plans to become nuclear powers.

Our failure will spell doom for the rest of the world.

Just as we must continue to support Israel in the fight of its life, we must up the ante for those nations wanting, seeking, and procuring nuclear weapons.

Let's be realistic about the world. Hezbollah is an extension of the Iranian army, and they have but one desire: the elimination of Israel.

We do not need a repeat of the world's mistake to heed the rise of Nazism. Do not think for one second that the Islamo-Fascists would openly welcome Christians or any non-Muslims as their friends and allies. They have one and only one goal.

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