Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ignorance Personified

The radical liberals and their partners in ignorance personified--main stream media-- amount to what Spiro Agnew might have dubbed as the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism. Listening to these ignorant nabobs blast America and Israel for standing strong against terrorism is disgusting.

Now they argue that the deaths are disproportionately distributed. Since when is war suppose to make sure that both sides lose the same number of persons? If that's the rule, who would ever win a war? Maybe the ignorant nabobs failed their American history courses. In WWII, in the Pacific Theatre the US lost 92,000 while Japan lost about 1.9 MILLION. You draw the conclusions.

To discuss the complaints of some of those Americans being evacuated is to insult your intelligence. But maybe some who are busy working and being self reliant may not know that some of the evacuees are comparing their rescue to Katrina, the food is bad, the flies are pesky, there's no place to sleep, and it goes on to adnauseam. First, Lebanon has long been on the warning list of places the US considers a risk for its citizens to visit. Second, the US did not have prior warning that this crisis would develop. Third, since when is a rescue suppose to provide all the comforts of home?

When you look at what these nattering nabobs are whining and complaining about, you realize they are nothing more than ignorance personified.

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