Thursday, July 20, 2006

Failed Organization

The United Nations has demonstrated repeatedly that it is a failed institution. The problem is not its pathetic culture of corruption leadership. The problem is not its arrogant Blue Helmets who are totally incompetent. The problem is not its lack of institutional controls over accounting, over workers, and over policy. The problem is not its inability to enforce whatever weak and lame resolutions that it might eventually get around to passing.

The problem is it is a confederate power structure. Anyone who has a seventh grade level of education should be able to tell you that confederate power structures are totally inept. For those who don't understand, in a confederacy all the power is located in the members who comprise the organization. The only authority a confederate power has is the power that the members give the confederate organization.

The UN cannot call up troops. The UN cannot tax, and a government that cannot tax is doomed to failure.

Most confederate structured organizations have not lasted long. Two examples from US history would be the Articles of Confederation (1776-1878) and the Confederate States of America (1861-1865). The only reason the UN has lasted since 1946 is because the US has always propped it up.

The UN cannot, will not, and never will be an organization that can deliver on its promises.

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