Saturday, July 29, 2006

A View on the World

The world seems asleep and numb to the ill winds sweeping across the plains, valleys, mountains and coastal regions of the world. Not only is there the turmoil of war in the Middle East, but there is saber rattling from every corner of the earth.

N.Korea, Iran, and Pakistan are clamoring for nuclear weapons. They aren't asking for nuclear power to provide industrial growth. They want nuclear weapons.

Hugo Chavez has now joined the nuclear weapons club wanna bes, and he has successfully struck a weapons deal with Russia.

There are two nations who have great influence over these saber rattling nations. Those nations are Russia and China.

The U.S. has a card it can play, but apparently it is reluctant to play it. A moratorium on US businesses locating in Russia and China would send a realistic economic message to both Russia and China that the US is serious about putting the halt to N. Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and Venezuela plans to become nuclear powers.

Our failure will spell doom for the rest of the world.

Just as we must continue to support Israel in the fight of its life, we must up the ante for those nations wanting, seeking, and procuring nuclear weapons.

Let's be realistic about the world. Hezbollah is an extension of the Iranian army, and they have but one desire: the elimination of Israel.

We do not need a repeat of the world's mistake to heed the rise of Nazism. Do not think for one second that the Islamo-Fascists would openly welcome Christians or any non-Muslims as their friends and allies. They have one and only one goal.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ignorance Personified

The radical liberals and their partners in ignorance personified--main stream media-- amount to what Spiro Agnew might have dubbed as the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism. Listening to these ignorant nabobs blast America and Israel for standing strong against terrorism is disgusting.

Now they argue that the deaths are disproportionately distributed. Since when is war suppose to make sure that both sides lose the same number of persons? If that's the rule, who would ever win a war? Maybe the ignorant nabobs failed their American history courses. In WWII, in the Pacific Theatre the US lost 92,000 while Japan lost about 1.9 MILLION. You draw the conclusions.

To discuss the complaints of some of those Americans being evacuated is to insult your intelligence. But maybe some who are busy working and being self reliant may not know that some of the evacuees are comparing their rescue to Katrina, the food is bad, the flies are pesky, there's no place to sleep, and it goes on to adnauseam. First, Lebanon has long been on the warning list of places the US considers a risk for its citizens to visit. Second, the US did not have prior warning that this crisis would develop. Third, since when is a rescue suppose to provide all the comforts of home?

When you look at what these nattering nabobs are whining and complaining about, you realize they are nothing more than ignorance personified.

Failed Organization

The United Nations has demonstrated repeatedly that it is a failed institution. The problem is not its pathetic culture of corruption leadership. The problem is not its arrogant Blue Helmets who are totally incompetent. The problem is not its lack of institutional controls over accounting, over workers, and over policy. The problem is not its inability to enforce whatever weak and lame resolutions that it might eventually get around to passing.

The problem is it is a confederate power structure. Anyone who has a seventh grade level of education should be able to tell you that confederate power structures are totally inept. For those who don't understand, in a confederacy all the power is located in the members who comprise the organization. The only authority a confederate power has is the power that the members give the confederate organization.

The UN cannot call up troops. The UN cannot tax, and a government that cannot tax is doomed to failure.

Most confederate structured organizations have not lasted long. Two examples from US history would be the Articles of Confederation (1776-1878) and the Confederate States of America (1861-1865). The only reason the UN has lasted since 1946 is because the US has always propped it up.

The UN cannot, will not, and never will be an organization that can deliver on its promises.

Monday, July 17, 2006

What Needs To Be Done

The world faces perhaps the most strident and perilous crisis in history. The world as we know it-and even as our fathers knew it-faces an enemy who no longer fears democracy. Liberalism that lacks a core value and operates on the weakened pretense of passive non-resistance has kowtowed to the Islamo-Fascist fundamentalists.

We fail to understand the simple point and message: The Islamo-Fascist Fundamentalists have vowed to destroy not only Israel but democracy and civilization as we know it.

And what have we done to stop it?

Jimmy Carter in 1979 hid in the White House. William Jefferson Clinton stayed in the Oval Office with an intern. The main stream media joined with the enemy and revealed as many of the methods of surveillance used by the Bush Administration to stop the terrorist from striking us.

A cease fire with the terrorists Hezbollah and Hamas will only prolong the Islamo Fscist movement.

Ignoring the demonic regime in Iran by allowing them to acquire nuclear weapons will be a devastating blow to our existence.

The Fabian Socialist media is willing to destroy this nation, and for what? A world gone mad that will make the Holy Crusades look like romper room.