Friday, August 29, 2008

Star Studded Acropolis or the Common Man?

John McCain does not need the trappings and endorsement of Hollywood, nor does he need the colossal grandiosity of a star studded stage and night for the American people to know that he has and remains ready to serve the people of the United States. He knows what it is to cling to faith out of love and compassion for his fellow soldiers and the American people.

Joe Biden says we don't need a good soldier. Wrong, again, Joe. We always need good soldiers serving our nation whether it is at home or abroad.

John McCain is the man who can lead us by establishing Our Country First: Reform, Prosperity, and Peace.

God Bless the great people and especially the good men and women who serve this nation, and God Bless the United States of America.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Gracious Move

Despite the blistering, negative criticisms the Democrats have and are throwing at John McCain, check out McCain's ad on the night of Obama's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

A Gracious Move

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Now is the Time!

The time has come for the Republican Party to stand up for the party values that it demonstrated in 1854..liberation and equality. Senator McCain could be the maverick, the leader who says it is time to recognize the power and leadership of women. Women have taken the back seat in this party, in this election process for far too long.

My great great grandfather was one of the first Republicans in the state of Alabama in 1861 when he decided to leave the Democratic Party and stay with the Union. I am proud of his courage to go outside the box and take a risk. He was a hero to many then, and he remains a hero to me. He stood up for what was right and good.

I urge the Senator to look at what needs to be done for the faithful women of this party and nation who need the chance to lead. Kay Bailey Hutchison is the right woman,who has experience and leadership. Now is the time to lead, not follow.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gas Prices on the Rise!

When the Russians invaded democratic Georgia recently, it was done for two reasons. First, Putin is leading a movement to restore the Soviet Union, and this was the first step in the re-acquisition of the former satellites. Second, Georgia has an important oil and gas line running to a port on the Black Sea.

Putin, make no mistake, is still in power. He was the former KGB chief under the USSR and knows how to play hardball. When the USSR collapsed, Putin remarked that this was the greatest tragedy in Russian history.

Ever since the days of Peter the Great, the Russians have sought a “Window on the West” so they could access economic resources and wealth. Georgia’s port, oil, and natural gas meet that “Window on the West” dream.

For the last several years, Russia has accumulated wealth. This wealth is based on oil and natural gas. This is basically the only real economic machine keeping Russia afloat. That’s right: oil and natural gas. Russia’s livelihood depends on the flow of oil.

Georgia, prior to Russia’s invasion, is and remains hostile to Russia. Furthermore, Georgia is an ally of the US and wants to be admitted to NATO, which Russia fears and hates.

When George W. Bush issued an executive order lifting a ban on off-shore drilling, when Americans practiced consumer sovereignty and stopped consuming as much gas, and when 70% of Americans started calling for off-shore drilling, guess what happened to gas prices? That’s right. Prices dropped.

Russia cannot afford for oil prices to drop because oil and natural gas are the lifeblood of Russia’s economy. If oil prices drop, Putin’s economy will collapse, the Russian people will suffer greatly, and the Russian people will recall the food lines, the shortage of consumer goods that brought the collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Putin does not want to face an angry Russian populace.

Hence, an invasion of little Georgia was orchestrated to take place while the world would be quietly watching the Olympics. However, indicators of Putin’s designs on restoring the Russian Empire have been subtly appearing over the last several years. The US is being held hostage by Putin and his oil thirst. The US really does not want to go to war with Russia. Putin knows this, and Putin is keeping his Russian forces in Georgia in violation of the recently signed cease-fire because he is attempting to drive up the oil prices.

Driving up oil prices is his bargaining chip. If Bush would abandon Georgia, then Putin might consider pulling out of Georgia and lowering gas prices a little.
Putin is playing blackmail with the US using oil and Georgia as the bait. The liberals will claim this is the reason we need alternatives instead of oil. No, what we need is a comprehensive energy plan. We will always need some oil: paint, plastics, acrylics, make-up, nylon, polyester, manufacturing, oil for lubricating machinery, and the list goes on and on. Windmills will not lubricate machinery. Windmills and solar will not make paint nor lubricate the motors and engines in our cars, trucks, airplanes, buses, trains, etc.

Until we can develop a comprehensive energy policy, we need to drill now.

Russia’s blackmail is even more of a reason we need to drill now. Waiting is merely capitulating to the blackmailers. The one person who can end this blackmail is the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, but apparently this multi-millionaire socialite is more concerned with marketing her failed book than ending the energy crisis.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

You Be The Judge

The Saddleback Civil Forum was an enlightening if not revealing discussion of political issues by the Rev. Rick Warren with Senators Barack Obama and John McCain. The format for this discussion was interesting and a vast improvement over the highly biased main street media’s old debate format. Interviewing each candidate separately was a refreshing approach and allowed for greater in depth responses.

Surprisingly, John McCain came out on fire, energized, and using self-deprecating humor at times. His answers were straightforward just like his Straight Talk Express. He was certain of his responses as there was no hemming, hawing, stammering, and pausing. McCain felt comfortable in his skin, and it was obvious this format was suited to his personality. One could not help but understand that in his administration, John McCain would be in charge.

Senator Obama, on the other hand, gave vague answers lacking in specificity. It was clear that this particular format was not suitable for Obama’s style, which is one where he reads responses from a teleprompter.

Obviously, there were differences in their political philosophy, but none stood out as much as their differences on abortion. John McCain declared himself a pro-life supporter, which is validated by his voting record when serving in the House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate. McCain also responded to the question of when does life begin with “at the moment of conception”.

Barack Obama stated he is pro-choice and not pro-abortion. Here’s where you get to be the judge.

In Congressional hearings in 2000-2001 and later before Barack Obama’s Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee, an Illinois nurse, Jill Stanek testified about how induced labor abortions were handled at the hospital where she worked in Illinois. Her testimony described how living and breathing babies were shelved, left to die, and disposed of as medical waste. Stanek said, "One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him, and she did not have the time to hold him. I couldn't bear the thought of this suffering child lying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived."

In other words, babies were killed outside the womb. This is powerful, moving yet disgusting stuff. Stanek watched for Obama’s reaction, which she described as "unfazed" by her testimony. Eventually, this practice was banned by Congress’ unanimous passage of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act in March 2002 with die-hard, pro-choice advocates like Senator Barbara Boxer condemning such abortion practices as outside the scope of Roe v. Wade.

A year before, however, the Illinois legislature considered a bill almost identical to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act that was in Congress. Voting against this legislation was the Illinois state senator Barack Obama even though the bill was supported by his Judiciary Committee. The only senator to speak against the bill before the Illinois Senate was Barack Obama. His argument was that extending life protection to preterm babies jeopardized abortion rights. He voted "present," tantamount to a "no" vote.

A year later, when Obama's Committee passed the “Induced Birth Liability Act”, requiring medical care for babies who survive induced labor abortions, Obama did not support the legislation. Again, Obama voted “present”. His argument for not supporting medical care for babies who survive induced labor abortions was that such legislation would “create one more burden on women, and I can't support that."

On another issue, Obama was asked by Rick Warren to describe what is evil. Obama said evil was the killing that continues to go on in Darfur. Who can disagree with that response? When asked by Rev. Warren, “What should a President do about the killings or genocide that has occurred in places such as Georgia?” Obama’s response was that “well, that’s a judgment call.”

Now, Senator Obama, which is it? Abortions are justified, killings in Darfur must be confronted, but killings in Georgia by the Russians are a judgment call? Perhaps, Senator, it may come as a surprise to you that life is a series of judgment calls. Isn’t abortion a judgment call?

Answers to the questions posed by Rev. Warren were clearly revealing about ones’ character and core values.

You be the judge!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Two Americas

Remember John Edwards' campaign speeches about there being Two Americas? Turns out Edwards knew what he was talking about.

Yep, he personally knew there were two women, two families, two love nests, thus two Americas. Now he's learned it again. Edwards is no longer on Obama's short list for VP or a Cabinet post. He's been uninvited to the Obama Fest in Denver.

Meanwhile, another fellow Democrat who lived in more than Two Americas and was impeached for his perjury about his nefarious lifestyle in Multiple Americas gets to be a major player at the Obama Fest, and gets one night at center stage to be the focus of the Democrats' praise and glory.

Yes, John, there are Two Americas, aren't there?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Contempt for Americans

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to let the House of Representatives vote on drilling offshore is an act of contempt for the American people. Her actions border on being tyrannical and dictatorial.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Have you been to the grocery store lately? How about a restaurant? Did these prices blow you away? What we now are experiencing is inflation, and inflation is a tax on everyone. Inflation is not discriminatory because it does not recognize socioeconomic classes. Every one is hit by inflation.

Well, you can thank the rising oil prices as well as the completely idiotic and useless ethanol subsidy plan that has reduced the amount of corn for food consumption for this inflation.

Corn is used to feed animals we consume in our food chain. Corn syrup is used in the manufacturing of our processed foods. Because farmers get a guaranteed subsidy for producing more corn, less wheat is grown which has generated a shortage of wheat for the food market. Do you realize how much wheat we consume in our staples?

Transportation costs for bringing the now more expensive food items to the grocery shelves and the restaurants has also contributed to rising food prices. The increased cost of transportation is not the result of inadequately inflated tires and lack of tune ups, but it is the result of a shortage of oil.

As China becomes more industrialized and increasing the number of vehicles on the road, the demand for oil has increased. With India following the same path as the Chinese, this adds an additional demand for oil.

China and India should industrialize and participate in the market for oil. Why should they not try to move from Lesser Developed economies to emerging economies?

What is more troubling is the lack of Democratic leadership in standing up for the United States continuing as a developed economy. Instead, their position is that to drill will require 10 years to produce significant oil to make an impact on the supply of oil. What are we waiting for? Why wait 10 years?

Quite frankly, drilling now will alleviate the pain at the pump. Reducing the pain at the pump will alleviate the pain at the grocery store. According to a national political pundit, perhaps the questions to ask the Democrats is this one: “If drilling is bad, why drill at all? Shouldn’t Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi call up the Saudis, the Chinese, the Russians, the Cubans, Chavez in Venezuela, Ahmadinejad in Iran, and the new free government in Iraq: STOP DRILLING!”

If something is not done soon to alleviate this pain, we will begin to see a recession kick in because businesses cannot continue to hire people while their costs of buying products to sell is rising due to increasing transportation costs.

The Democrats say that in 10 years renewable energy sources will get us off our oil addiction. In the meantime, are we suppose to sit by and watch the food prices rise, the price of oil for heating our homes this winter go through the stratosphere? Do we attach a windmill to our cars and hope the wind is blowing that day so we can make it to work?

Come on, Americans. Wake up to the reality that the Democrats in Congress are not trying to solve our energy crisis. They are desperate to stay in power because they believe they are rightfully entitled to be in power. Meanwhile, they don’t give a rip about the inflation that is eating away at our livelihood.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Obama and Paris Hilton

Well, it seems that the McCain campaign ad WAS NOT the first to compare Obama with Paris Hilton!

Mark Leibovich, a Washington Post Staff writer, interviewed Obama on Thursday, February 24, 2005 and quoted the following:

"Andy Warhol said we all get our 15 minutes of fame," says Barack Obama. "I've already had an hour and a half. I mean, I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

Remember when Obama said he didn't want people to criticize him for his ears? Well guess what he had to say about his ears in the interview with Mark Leibovich.

"I am genuinely somebody who doesn't get caught up in the hype," he says, adding that his wife, Michelle, loves to tease him about his big ears, and that he loves her for that.

Friday, August 01, 2008

The Audacity of Infinite Colossal Greed and Arrogance

Inflating tires and getting tune ups will not stop the American dependency on foreign oil. Neither will a vacationing Democratic controlled Congress who refuses to hear the cries of the American people they are supposed to represent.

How will high gas prices impact Michigan and Ohio? With rising prices eating away at the consumer's budget, fewer people will purchase automobiles. With fewer automobiles being sold, this will have a ripple effect on other markets: steel, aluminum, glass, and paint to name a few. If Michigan and Ohio think they've experienced unemployment, they haven't seen anything yet!

Higher gas prices will impact on the American travel and tourism industry as well.

Perhaps the most dramatic ripple effect is the one on food prices as transportation costs for truckers is astronomical.

Families are being forced to deal with inflation simply because the audacity of infinite colossal greed and arrogance has been demonstrated by the Democrats in the US Congress.