Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hope and Change

Hope and Change are the promises of Barack Hussein Obama. Sounds wonderful, does it not?

Or does it sound rather vaccuous and exhibitionist?

Truthfully, who in their right mind does not support hope and change?

At some point though, when you come to the intersection of Ideal and Reality, you have to make a decision.

Obama's major piece of legislation, Global Poverty, S2433, calls for the US to pay out $843 BILLION (every year)to end global poverty. Don't worry about issues at home, but focus on poverty in other places like, let's see...well he does not support ending tyrannical regimes that sponsor poverty. Obama's philosophy of hope (wishing) fails because the major concern of tyrants is self gratification at the expense of the people. Like Leonid Brezhnev when confronted with Jimmy Carter, Obama will learn that thugs and tyrants have NO REGARD for hopes for humanity. The thugs and tyrants' only hope is the reality of taking care of themselves and their ilk.

So where does he HOPE to bring a change if he is unwilling to confront dictators?

Questions both Obama and Hillary should be asked:
How will you deal with Kim Il Jung?
How will you deal with Vladimir Putin?
How will you deal with Chavez?
How will you deal with Ortega?
How will you deal with Ahmadinejad?
How will you deal with the thugs in Africa?

We're hoping for a change in Obama's and Hillary's vaccuous exhibitionism, but then hope and change never materialize without realism.

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