Monday, February 18, 2008

Are The Democrats Headed For A Convention Showdown

Prognosticators failed miserably this political season. Thus, we'll refrain from predictions.

The truth is nobody anticipated Barack Obama's phenomenal and meteroic rise to political rock star status. Certainly not the Clinton camp.

What obstacles to winning the nomination confront Obama?

First, if you believe Hillary strategists, there's Ohio, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

Second, the issue of Super Delegates could possibly be an issue. These are the party "insiders" many of whom are loyal to Hill and Bill while others owe the Hill-Bill duo for some previous political support.

Third is the issue of whether the DNC will buckle to Hillary's insistence that the Michigan and Florida delegates should be seated at the convention.

Playing the 'what if' game, could the Democrats face a battle royal if Hill decides to file a law suit againt the DNC over the delegate issue in especially Florida where 1.3 million Democrats voted in the primary? Ah, many times have we been down the political conflict road in the state of Florida? 1876 and 2000 ring a bell? Bush v. Gore ring a bell?

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