Friday, February 15, 2008

And It All Comes Crashing Down

Disunity. Dismay. Disharmony. Disruption.

The Republican Party? No, right now, this would aptly describe the Democratic Party as the factions within a factious party start to implode.

Hillary believes she is owed her party's nomination. Afterall, she left Yale to live in little old Arkansas. She married that philandering Southern boy, Billy Clinton with all his charismatic, charm that never met an attractive woman he didn't hit on. She endured his misbehavior and embarrassments time and time again. Repeatedly, Hillary bailed him out of one scandal after another. Now, it seems the party faithful are abandoning her faster than rats leaving a sinking ship.

Will the dirt start being overturned on those who are about to deny her the biggest alimony payment in US history?

Desperate women do desperate things in desperate times.

Stand by for further updates as they develop!

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