Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Just When We Thought

Just when we thought perhaps his silence might last, Jimmy Carter has decided to crawl out from some hole and express an opinion on Israel. Personally, his audacity to even begin to reprimand anybody about a failed Middle East policy is incredible.

Perhaps someone should refresh this retired peanut farmer's feeble memory that it was his inept Middle East policy of hiding in the White House that allowed the Iranians (led by their current leader Ahmandinejad )to go unpunished and undaunted after they attacked, captured and held hostage 52 American citizens for 444 days. Not only did Carter completely fail in this crisis, but his inaction emboldened the jihadists in their grand design to destroy freedom and liberty. The Iranians not only humiliated these hostages, but they destroyed our embassy and burned our flag.

Meanwhile, Carter hid in the White House presumably by a fire while wearing a sweater...his version of an energy policy. Leadership? Carter wouldn't know it if it smacked him across the face.

Thanks, Mr. Carter, but Israel and the US do not need any comments from the peanut gallery.

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