Monday, August 28, 2006

Armitage's Sabotage

Former Deputy Secretary of State under Bush malcontent Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, was the source that "outed" Valerie Plame. Apparently it wasn't a vast right wing Oval Office conspiracy masterminded by Vice-President Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, Karl Rove, and President Bush after all. Instead, it was a disenchanted, non-teamplayer, who got his marching orders from Colin Powell that "leaked" a non-covert CIA employee's name to the media.

Perhaps the Justice Department owes the American people a sincere apology as well as Scooter Libby for this inane inquiry into the leak since the Justice Department was told two years ago by Armitage that he was the source. It certainly raises the question as to what was Patrick Fitzgerald's motive since he knew from the moment he was given this assignment that Armitage was the source.

Better yet, perhaps the Justice Department should investigate Fitzgerald's handling of the inquiry and whether he had a political motive.

One now has to question how Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame can proceed with a civil suit against Cheney, Libby, and Rove for defamation of character since they did not leak nor harm Wilson or Plame. One also has to wonder if Cheney, Libby, and Rove have a valid reason to counter-sue Wilson and Plame for false accusations?

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