Friday, August 25, 2006

Eschatological, Historical, and Exegetical Analysis

Debatable hermeneutical assumptions aside, the book of Daniel in both the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament teaches that the rise to power of a world leader who works great blasphemy and abomination of desolation in the Temple of Jerusalem signals the beginning of the ends of time.

According to Daniel, the Great Tribulation will mark “the day of the L-rd.” It is interesting that only in Daniel 9: 24-27 is the word ‘messiah’ used in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament. Daniel’s prophecy predicts the coming of a ‘messiah’ who will judge the man of sin [ evil leader ] and his followers.

At the time of this ‘messiah’s’ coming, Israel will turn to the ‘messiah’ so that her sins and transgressions will be “brought to an end.” {Zechariah 12:10} This Judgment Day will culminate in the fulfillment of every prophecy in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament while at the same time consecrate the Temple in a New Jerusalem.

For the Faithful believers of G-d, the question may be arising as to who is this man of evil? Some argue that this is all bunk while others offer interesting analysis based on history and scripture. For some students of the ends of time, one group proposes that we are currently moving towards this prophecy. The vitriolic hatred spewing from the Islamic fascists mouthpieces led by Iran’s Ahmadinejad can only raise one’s interest in the ends of time discussion.

Going back to Daniel, the prophecy tells of one influential and very powerful leader emerging in the North. Hence, the “king out of the North” will seize the world stage and gather other nations to join him in his attack on Israel. Zechariah in chapter 14 declares that the city of Jerusalem will be seized by the King of the North’s forces. The L-rd will fight this battle at the Mount of Olives. According to Daniel 11:45 and Zechariah 14, the final beast, the false prophet, and all those who fought against Israel will come to their terrible end at the hand of G-d.

Was Daniel’s prophecy merely a pipe dream? No. Daniel’s prophecies coincide with historical events recorded by Josephus as well as coincide with other Hebrew Bible and Old Testament prophecies. Additionally, in the Christian theology, Christ referenced Daniel’s ‘abomination of desolation’ prediction in his Olivet Discourse while the writer of Revelation elaborated on the ends of time using similar words and sentiments expressed by Daniel and Isaiah.

Daniel’s message of over 2500 years has stood the test of time. His focus was on Middle East events of unrest, contention, and terrorism as well as on Jerusalem as the center of power and prophecy. More importantly, Daniel was the conduit of G-d’s plan for humanity and His people to whom He had promised redemption, eternal life, and that He would make good on that promise.

(To those Christians' who debunk and disregard the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament, it leaves one to wonder how Christians can disregard the Hebrew Bible’s prophecies and laws since these are the basic tenets upon which Christ based his teachings.)

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