Sunday, August 02, 2009


Did you realize that Obamacare will have a Federal Health Board with the power to determine who gets what medical treatments, when they may get them, how often they may get them, and from whom they will get them?

Now, let's be realistic. Obamacare with a government bureaucracy making these determinations about your healthcare plans is a frightening nightmare. This is the same bunch who couldn't get Cash for Clunkers to work properly!

Obamacare is RATIONED healthcare which smacks of social engineering designed to reduce the number of senior citizens. Don't forget, when Obama was a state senator in Illinois, he voted for and advocated infanticide. Perhaps someone in the media should ask the President at what age would he recommend his mother-in-law dispense with medical treatments and simply take a pain pill as he recommended to a lady who questioned him at a town hall meeting about this very topic. Obama stated that at some age old people should simply take a pain pill.

If Obamacare is so great, why did Congressman Henry Waxman say that Congress will not be participating in the government healthcare? What do we have now, an Apparatchik System in DC? Well, we do know that his Job Czar is an avowed Communist. Think about it.

During the month of August, call your Congressman, your Senators, and give them your assessment of Obamacare!

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