Friday, August 07, 2009

Dear Senator Specter

Dear Senator Specter,

In February I emailed you with the simple question, “Why did you vote for the Stimulus Bill that will increase our national debt into the trillions for decades?” You (or someone on your staff) responded in a very terse, concise sentence.

“I voted for the Stimulus Bill as an exercise of my judgment.”

To which I replied, “Senator, if you can exercise your judgment, then I think it is fair to inform you that in 2010 I will exercise my judgment about your retention as a Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

Apparently you and your staff must have paid attention to the focus polls because a few short months later, you officially abandoned the Republican Party and returned to the Democrat Party. (Originally, you had abandoned the Democrat Party to seek election on Reagan’s coattails.) As a Republican Senator from the Commonwealth, you voted with the Democrats 60% of the time. Now as the Junior Democrat Senator from the Commonwealth you vote to support Mr. Obama’s agenda and legislation 99.9% of the time despite your pledge on the Switch Party Day that you would not be the automatic 60th vote for Mr. Obama.

When you abandoned the Republicans, you felt so confident, so self-assured that you would be the automatic Democrat Senatorial candidate in 2010. It must have come as a shock to you and your staff to learn that the Pennsylvania Democrats have not fallen head over heels over your candidacy. Perhaps, they, too, have recognized that your only focus is your re-election.

Watching yours and Secretary Sibelius’ stunned face at the Philadelphia town meeting when Philadelphia citizens vociferously exercised their First Amendment rights to question you and express their opinions, both of you appeared taken back. How dare citizens question you!

Mr. Specter, citizens are simply exercising their constitutional rights and, yes, their judgment.

Have you and Secretary Sibelius forgotten you WORK FOR the people? The people DO NOT WORK FOR YOU!

You’re an attorney, Mr. Specter. To pass the bar, you had to answer questions about the fundamental principle of our republican democracy: The Rule of Law. Perhaps you have been inside the Beltway far too long to remember the Rule of Law.

Better yet, perhaps you have been inside the Beltway far too long to comprehend what it’s like to compete for a job. You don’t seem to grasp the fear some Americans have about the ‘dizzying debt’ with which YOU and YOUR President have saddled us and future generations. Yes, you don’t have to worry about unemployment because you have gained financially from Special Interest groups and your lifetime pension will be in the millions. By the way, this is a pension you voted for yourself. Incidentally, every year you manage vote yourself a pay raise.

You don’t have to worry about healthcare because you have voted yourself a Gold-Plate Plan of lifetime healthcare. You and your fellow members of the Apparatchik in DC look down on American citizens as not worthy of the healthcare plan the Apparatchiks have. How condescending! How arrogant!

In 1776 King George III of England sent his goons throughout the North American colonies spying, snooping, and flagging those persons who spoke out against his authoritarian policies. He ordered his troops and goons to hit back hard against those who protested his policies. Sam Adams, John Hancock, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison, George Mason, Patrick Henry and many more had a bounty on their heads. They congregated bravely in the City of Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, to courageously stand up and say “No More!”

Yes, Mr. Specter, Philadelphia, the city where you live, became the cradle of American democracy, the rule of law, the right to free speech, the right to discuss publicly various issues with their representatives in a republican democracy. The city where the liberty bell sits today inscribed with the words, “Proclaim liberty throughout the land.” Yet within the last week you demonstrated utter disdain that Philadelphians would dare to question and challenge your position and posturing in the most egregious intrusion of the federal government in the lives of American citizens since the days of King George III.

Mr. Specter, we are your employer, and in 2010 we will deliver our job evaluation. I’m voting we give you retirement from the federal government. Happy Retirement!

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