Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why Are Liberals Afraid of a Walk Through History?

After reading some haughty and negative comments concerning the blog, “Why Should We Fear Government Intervention”, it is obvious that liberals, especially bleeding heart liberals, made assumptions that the article was directed at the current administration.

Perhaps they should re-read the blog. There was no mention or reference to the current administration in Washington, DC., but they reacted as if it were a direct slap in the face.

The blog criticizing government intervention and socialism could very well have been written by someone at the New York Times, which recently raised the issue directly with the President by asking him if his policies were socialist.

Was a raw nerve touched by historical facts? If so, perhaps the lessons of history should be examined again and again so these mistakes are not repeated. Perhaps the blog was too close to reality and that forced them to jump to conclusions.

What their responses indicated was their emotions are on the surface, they are sensitive to defending the current administration, and perhaps the most glaring indication is that they didn’t bother to check the author’s profile on the blog. The author is not someone mysterious to either of them. The author taught one of them and wrote a letter of recommendation for her. The blogger worked with the other person as well as taught two of his children while also providing letters of recommendations for two of his children. Yes, it pays to do your homework and research as opposed to jumping to conclusions.

How sad is it when views are condemned and distorted by liberals who are intolerant of other peoples’ opinions. “Why We Should Fear Government Intervention” is historically accurate, and what a shame that liberals dislike historical accuracy because it does not fit with their ideological point of view.

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