Monday, March 02, 2009

War on Prosperity

What is the longest war in which the US was engaged?

If you replied the War on Poverty, you answered correctly.

Now it seems we are engaged in a new war: the War on Prosperity. It will last until the American people wake up, take off their rose-colored glasses, and contact their Congressional representatives and tell them: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

The current administration, after examining the proposed budget, is seeking every possible avenue to attack American citizens where it hurts the most: their pocket book.

No, we're not talking about wealthy Americans. We're talking about average Americans who invested their savings and retirement plans in the stock market. Since Mr. Obama's election the market has dropped over 3200 points, and that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the economic attack on average Americans.

Barack Hussein Obama’s National Socialist policies are pure and simple anti-capitalist, anti-free enterprise, anti-democracy, and anti-American.

Despite his avowed claim that taxes are not being raised on 95% of Americans, B.O’s Stimulus (aka Stealth Bill) and his proposed budget refute this claim. Worded deceptively in his Cap and Trade Tax are proposals for a $65 BILLION tax this year on the following forms of energy: electricity, gasoline, natural gas, and heating oil. By 2020, this Cap and Trade Tax will amount to $645 BILLION, meaning our taxes on these will be gargantuan.

Mr. Obama, do not all Americans purchase at least one or two of these forms of energy? Will not the price of these forms of energy include the Cap and Trade Tax you are going to impose?

That’s right. You’re playing the “I gotcha game”. Yes, directly Americans will not pay these taxes. INDIRECTLY, ALL AMERICANS will pay these Cap and Trade Taxes.

Mr. Obama, this is pure deception and an attempt not to level the playing field but to lower the playing field so all Americans will feel beholden to the Federal (National) government.

The National Socialist Party under Hitler followed these same steps in becoming a National Socialist nation. History knows it as NAZI Germany, a government controlled dictatorship where individuals lost their economic freedom and their ability to oppose the government.

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