Friday, May 18, 2007

Immigration Reform or Nightmare?

Admittedly I have not read the Senate's new Immigration Reform Bill, but the highlights that I have read leave one wondering how in the world did these Senators get elected?

First, the bill provides no realistic means of enforcing it's puny plan called a road to citizenship. Second, sorry Mr. Bush, but your description of the legislation as showing respect for these illegals made me cringe. WHERE WAS THEIR RESPECT FOR OUR LAWS, OUR NATION, OUR CITIZENS WHEN THEY ILLEGALLY ENTERED THE COUNTRY? Third, why are we only going to provide 370 miles along the border with fencing? The last time I checked the border with Mexico was a tad bit longer than 370 miles, or either my geography teachers were way off track!

This bill lacks specifics of HOW to implement and ENFORCE the legislation. It comes across as a band-aid approach to appease voters before the 2008 elections with nothing concrete being accomplished.

What does this mean in the long run? That 15-20 years down the road we'll be dealing with this same issue.

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