Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Go in strength..."

When the L-rd sent His angel to Gideon, the L-rd told Gideon, “Go in strength…” (Judges 6:14).

When Gideon questioned the L-rd and suggested the L-rd choose someone else for the L-rd’s mission, the L-rd said, “I will be with you.” (Judges 6:16)

When Gideon built an altar to the L-rd, Gideon called it “The L-rd is Peace”.

When the L-rd knows we are struggling, He brings us a wonderful gift: the spirit of peace to calm the storm.

The L-rd brought this peace to Noah when he confronted the Flood. He brought this peace to Moses when he confronted the Pharaoh. He brought this peace to Esther when she confronted Haman. The L-rd brought this peace to David when he confronted Goliath. The L-rd also brought this same peace to Saul when he confronted the Gospels. The L-rd brought this peace to His Son when Christ was dying on the Cross.

With this spirit of peace, the L-rd gives us the strength to confront all our challenges in life.

As a nation, we, too, confront challenges. Some of us run from these challenges and fail to slay the giant. As a nation, the L-rd told his people to trust in Him as they confronted the giants.

Our Goliath today is the Terrorist. We need the strength of peace to accept our challenge to confront and slay the giants.

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