Friday, September 21, 2007

Columbia: Gem of Lunacy

Leave it to the Ivy League to support terrorism. There is a classic song, Columbia: Gem of the Ocean. Well, now that Columbia University has aligned itself with a terrorist state, we can now refer to Columbia as the Gem of Lunacy.

Instead of opposing those who publicly advocate the obliteration of a democractic nation, provide IEDs that maim our troops, and support Al Qaida, Columbia has hopped in bed with the person who led the capture of the US Embassy in Teheran and held Americans captive for 444 days.

Lee C. Bollinger has some explaining to do about his devotion to terrorism and his lack of American patriotism. Bollinger and Ahmadinejad, are they new best friends?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

L'Shana Tovah!

When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. (Psalms 94: 18-19)

Continue to pray for the safe keeping of the Jewish people and for the peace of Jerusalem. L'Shana Tova!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lilliputian Pipsqueaks

Without a doubt, affective leadership in the United States and the world, for that matter, is lacking.

The US Congress has an all time approval ranking that is truly abysmal at best. What is even more pathetic is the resounding bravado echoing from an absentee, vacationing Congress that has succeeded in passing little legislation. Yet they condemn the Iraqi legislature for taking off the month of August from Baghdad. Whatever happened to the phrase, "Judge not lest ye be judged"!

Jonathan Swift wrote an enchanting tale about the minute Lilliputians whose only recourse to accomplish anything was to tie people up and then berate their captives. Has literature become reality when it comes to the US Congress? Are the members, and especially the Congressional leadership, Lilliputian Pipsqueaks who can only squawk and complain as opposed to leading?

Perhaps even more disgusting is that many members of Congress have assumed the roles of arrogant elitists. Like the elitist European intellectuals who verbally and assiduously attack not just the United States but Americans as individuals and as a whole for being passionately patriotic, members of Congress look down on Americans from their Parnassian Perch and castigate their fellow citizens for exercising their Constitutional rights of freedom of expression.

The reality is that the elitist Europeans and many members of the US Congress are obstinate imbeciles lacking the intellectual capacity to think and reason. Their rhetoric is mere obfuscation and loquaciousness replete with nihilism.

One has to wonder how they can reconcile their elitist views with human rights, freedom, and equality of opportunity. Furthermore, the elitist reflexive inclination for passivity and rapproachement, their insistence on tolerance for the intolerant, and their capitulation for political correctness has dishonored all those who gave their lives to rid the world of the insane demagogues opposed to human rights, freedom, and equality of opportunity.

The Lilliputian Pipsqueak US Congress has become synonymous with ineptitude and epitomizes timidity.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Immigration Reform or Nightmare?

Admittedly I have not read the Senate's new Immigration Reform Bill, but the highlights that I have read leave one wondering how in the world did these Senators get elected?

First, the bill provides no realistic means of enforcing it's puny plan called a road to citizenship. Second, sorry Mr. Bush, but your description of the legislation as showing respect for these illegals made me cringe. WHERE WAS THEIR RESPECT FOR OUR LAWS, OUR NATION, OUR CITIZENS WHEN THEY ILLEGALLY ENTERED THE COUNTRY? Third, why are we only going to provide 370 miles along the border with fencing? The last time I checked the border with Mexico was a tad bit longer than 370 miles, or either my geography teachers were way off track!

This bill lacks specifics of HOW to implement and ENFORCE the legislation. It comes across as a band-aid approach to appease voters before the 2008 elections with nothing concrete being accomplished.

What does this mean in the long run? That 15-20 years down the road we'll be dealing with this same issue.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Go in strength..."

When the L-rd sent His angel to Gideon, the L-rd told Gideon, “Go in strength…” (Judges 6:14).

When Gideon questioned the L-rd and suggested the L-rd choose someone else for the L-rd’s mission, the L-rd said, “I will be with you.” (Judges 6:16)

When Gideon built an altar to the L-rd, Gideon called it “The L-rd is Peace”.

When the L-rd knows we are struggling, He brings us a wonderful gift: the spirit of peace to calm the storm.

The L-rd brought this peace to Noah when he confronted the Flood. He brought this peace to Moses when he confronted the Pharaoh. He brought this peace to Esther when she confronted Haman. The L-rd brought this peace to David when he confronted Goliath. The L-rd also brought this same peace to Saul when he confronted the Gospels. The L-rd brought this peace to His Son when Christ was dying on the Cross.

With this spirit of peace, the L-rd gives us the strength to confront all our challenges in life.

As a nation, we, too, confront challenges. Some of us run from these challenges and fail to slay the giant. As a nation, the L-rd told his people to trust in Him as they confronted the giants.

Our Goliath today is the Terrorist. We need the strength of peace to accept our challenge to confront and slay the giants.