Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Uno de Mayo: Go Ahead and Butt! Just Come on Over!

Now that Uno de Mayo has come and gone, what did we learn? Truly, not a whole lot. The nation's economy did not tank. The market continued to operate despite the absence of low skilled workers. Some employers have sold their souls to illegal immigrant workers in order to earn more profit. So, what else?

Perhaps the immigrants who want amnesty fail to understant what has many Americans upset. It's really simple. Yes, we are a nation of immigrants, but the vast majority of those who came in as immigrants came the LEGAL way.

What most of the illegals are failing to grasp is the concept of the rule of law. Very simply that means the law applies to all. It means you apply to come into the United States and wait your turn. You don't butt! You play by the rules. If you are not willing to play by the rules to become a citizen, chances are you will not play by the rules if you are granted citizenship willy-nilly.

People tend to value things that they work hard to earn and achieve. People tend to take lightly and neglect those things that they are given without any effort on their own part.

People who are given everything with no cost to themselves tend to expect a free hand-out all the time. If we think we have a welfare state now, just wait till Congress grants all these illegals amnesty. Better yet, why not just open the borders and let everyone who wants to enter, come on in. As Bob Barker says on the Price is Right, "Come on down!"

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