Sunday, April 09, 2006

Couldn't Have Said It Better

The Center for Security Policy is a superb website for those who are interested in our nation's security. It is a sad day in the US when many Americans have either forgotten what happened on 9-11 or think we shouldn't talk about it because it's too soon. Those sentiments border on disastrous for our nation.

The biggest security issue facing our nation is the immigration problem. Congress has submitted some rather lame proposals that in reality amount to absolutely no resolution of the problem. There is one sure way to bring a rapid halt to the problem, but I don't believe the Congress nor the President have the intestinal fortitude to implement it.

Take a page from the EPA. Anytime the EPA is called in to investigate a business for EPA violations, the beginning fine simply for the EPA coming is $250,000. Now if you really want to stop illegal immigration, why not fine every business in the US that hires illegals under the table? Let's say we fine them $250,000 per month until they no longer have illegals among their employees. How soon do you think illegals would be willing to apply for citizenship? How soon do you think businesses would change their practices?

Since businesses like individuals think with their pocketbook, my hunch is the illegal immigrant problem would start being resolved. And rather quickly. Businesses that continued to hire illegals could end up paying a fine of $3,000,000 a year.

I submitted this and other proposals to Pennsylvania's Senator Arlene Specter. He responded to none of my proposals, but he praised the illegals for their economic contributions. He failed to answer my question about the economic and social costs that illegals bring. He ignored my questions about why shouldn't illegals pay federal and state income taxes. He failed to explain what made the Senate think illegals would immediately dash to the nearest immigration services offices and register. Truthfully, I don't know why he bothered to reply because he failed to respond to any of my questions. Yet this man is in a position of leadership. Go figure.

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