Monday, September 25, 2006

Uncontrolled Rage

Welcome to an insight into the real Bill Clinton!

George Stephanopoulis has referenced his former boss’s anger as Purple Rage.

Once again the American people were subjected to that wagging finger routine as Bill Clinton lashed out in uncontrolled rage when interviewed by Chris Wallace.

His true temperament should now be apparent as well as his inability to take criticism along with his self glorified perspective on his job as the President.

He dared Wallace to check the Richard Clark book on the facts. Whether Chris Wallace did or not, Mahout cannot say. But Mahout did, and Bill Clinton is trying to lead the American people down a slippery slope with his lies during his Sunday interview. Richard Clark points out that Bill Clinton was completely distracted from dealing with the terrorism issue by his extramarital and sexual liaison with his intern Monica Lewinsky. Richard Clark also points out that the Bush 43rd administration did not demote him, but that he, Richard Clark, himself asked for and received the transfer into the internet intelligence division to focus on the use of the internet in terrorism.

The real truth is this: Bill Clinton cannot tell the truth about himself and his inept presidency.

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