Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Totally Discombobulated

The left wing radical liberal party known as the Democratic Party is so far removed from its foundation of Jeffersonian-Jacksonian Democracy it is not even funny. In fact, most Democrats today probably do not have a clue as to what is Jeffersonian-Jacksonian Democracy.

So, in order to enlighten the illiterate such as Madeleine Albright, Al Gore, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Jack Murtha, Nanci Pelosi, and the Moveon.org clueless, Jeffersonian-Jacksonian Democrats stood for a strong America that did not surrender, cut and run from national obligations. Another characteristic of Jeffersonian-Jacksonian Democracy was its strong commitment to the rule of law and not distorting the law.

Jefferson and Jackson would be appalled at the impotent and pathetic statements by "leaders" such as Albright ("leader of North Korea is not stupid, and he's provoked by the U.S. War in Iraq") and Murtha("We should withdraw our troops from Iraq and deploy them to Okinawa"). When a reasonable person examines those pathetic remarks and then realizes they are leaders of their party, one has to wonder if the Democratic Party is totally discombobulated or just asleep at the wheel.

Perhaps the most telling sign that the Democrats fail the Jeffersonian-Jacksonian test is the party's efforts to defeat and unseat Sen. Joe Lieberman. Even Big Boy Al Gore will not lend support or endorse his former VP running mate. Talk about egos gone to the dogs!

The Democratic Party is on the verge of complete disintegration because they are nothing more than an aggregation of segmented interest groups obsessed with the desire for power not policies that secure and develop our nation. They could care less about a public policy agenda as long as they are in power. They lack unity, and thus, they lack a cohesive strategy of how to lead the United States. Most tragically, they do not understand why they have lost control and cannot win elections. It really does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out, does it?

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