Saturday, January 07, 2006

James Risen and the State of War

With tidbits of James Risen's newest critique disguised as a book hitting the press, numerous questions should arise. Did the New York Times withhold the story in order for Mr. Risen to complete his book? Will the Democrats begin to squash the book because of the book's revelations that the Clinton administration knew Iran was working with the Russians on a nuclear arms program AND DID NOTHING TO STOP IT?

If that last statement makes any resonance at all, then Senator Clinton may have some explaining to do. After all, when Bill Clinton ran for President, wasn't it with the idea that we would get a "two-for-one" deal? Every American knows that Hillary was aware of everything going on in the Oval Office. Well, nearly everything that is.

Risen's latest contribution to the Bushwhacking strategy could very well result in special investigations with journalists being called to testify and asked to reveal their sources whom Risen describes as patriotic but will keep them anonymous.

If Mr. Bush did anything illegal or criminal, isn't he given the Constitutional right to confront his accusers?

Although unread by this writer, it will be interesting to see how accurate and well researched is Mr. Risen's book. Skeptics might be a little bit leery about journalists writing books these days; especially books written by New York Times reporters and affiliates. Seems the Times has a little bit of a credibility problem of late.

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