Saturday, August 08, 2009

Real Unemployment Numbers

What do the unemployment numbers mean?

When the Feds released the July unemployment numbers, some people were giddy with excitement to see a decline in the unemployment numbers.

Every citizen should be excited to see the numbers in decline from 9.5% to 9.4%. Those who were ecstatic over this decline said only approximately 247,000 persons lost their jobs in July. Wait a minute! ONLY 247,000 persons??? Is there some magic cut off point where we lose compassion for those individuals who did lose their jobs?

Totally ignoring the fact that millions of persons are now in the unemployment ranks, some chose to focus on the decline of .1%, which is somewhat miniscule in the big scheme of things. In fact, since January 20, 2009, two million Americans have lost their jobs. When BHO took office, the number of unemployed was 4 million. Now it is at 6 million--an increase of 50% since BHO became President. What about the recent entrants into the labor force who haven't found employment?

What is unemployment? Economists define unemployment as those persons who are without a job BUT ACTIVELY SEEKING ONE. That last phrase is key.

If you have been without a job, but you are disgruntled and have given up finding one, you ARE NOT INCLUDED in the unemployment ranks.

If you have been unemployed for over 15 months and your unemployment subsidy has expired, you ARE NOT INCLUDED in the unemployment ranks.

If you are a new entry into the labor force (no longer in school but first time full job hunter), you ARE NOT INCLUDED.

If your unemployment is the result of your own actions instead of the economic conditions, you are disqualified. You ARE NOT INCLUDED in the unemployment ranks.

If you do not file for benefits, you ARE NOT INCLUDED in the unemployment rate.

The jobs that generated this .1% decline were federal government jobs and not those in the private sector. In other words, more red tape has been created.

When we examine the unemployment numbers and include those whom the government excludes, the real unemployment numbers nationally are approximately 10.7%.

So, how’s hope and change working for these people?

(Information based on data)

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