Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Barack Was Only Eight

The Obama campaign's mantra is that Barack H. Obama was only eight when Bill Ayers was a radical terrorist with the Weathermen Underground movement. What they fail to point out is that Obama WAS NOT EIGHT

1. on September 11, 2001 when Bill Ayers said "I regret we didn't do enough bombings."

2. in 2000 when Rashid Khalidi, who ran the Arab American Action Network held a fundraiser for Barack Hussein Obama.

3. in 2001 and 2003 when Barack H. Obama with the radical Woods Foundation gave Rashid Khalidi $75,000 in two different grants for an 'oral history project on the great catastrohe of Israel's founding. This project is named 'an-Nakba'.

4. in 1998 when Barack H. Obama was getting financial funding for Tony Rezko

5. when he sat in the pews for 20 years listening to Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Black Liberation Theology sermons demonizing whites and Jews.

No he was not eight. Barack H. Obama was an adult associating with persons of nefarious backgrounds. It should come as no surprise that he is willing to sit down without preconditions with the leaders of rogue states who promise the destruction of both Israel and the United States.

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