Friday, June 06, 2008

Barack and the Two-Step

Within 24 hours of his speech to AIPAC and the promise that Jerusalem will always remain the "undivided capital of Israel", Barack did a quick two-step when Hamas and Palestinians criticized his position.

From the Republican Jewish Coalition:
"Backtracks on "Undivided" Jerusalem-What Flip-Flop Is Next?

Washington, D.C. (June 6, 2008) -- Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matthew Brooks criticized Barack Obama's backtrack on his position that Jerusalem remain the "undivided" capital of Israel and questioned what other positions Barack Obama would reverse regarding Israel.

On Wednesday, Barack Obama committed that "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided" in his speech before the AIPAC policy conference. On Thursday, Barack Obama backtracked on this position and reversed it. Following criticism from Palestinian and Hamas officials, Barack Obama on Thursday announced in an interview with CNN's Candy Crowley that "obviously, it's going to be up to the parties to negotiate a range of these issues. And Jerusalem will be a part of these negotiations."

"Barack Obama's attempt to use buzzwords to impress pro-Israel leaders has already backfired. Barack Obama's reversal on Jerusalem, 24 hours after his AIPAC speech, demonstrates why the Jewish community has doubts and fears about an Obama presidency," stated Matt Brooks. "Barack Obama's retreat demonstrates that Senator Obama lacks the resolve and leadership necessary to protect America and Israel from the serious threats we face. Worst of all, the impression that Barack Obama changed this position because of pressure by Hamas officials sends all the wrong messages that a President Obama will back off pro-Israel positions when Hamas protests. Yet again, Barack Obama demonstrates why the Jewish community does not trust Barack Obama to keep America and Israel safe and secure."

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