Monday, January 25, 2010

The Shot Heard 'Round the World

Scott Brown's phenominal victory in the Massachusett's senate race was the unbelievable shot heard 'round the world. The only place the resounding message did not seem to resonate was 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Last week the President took to the political stump to defend his failed policies and stubbornly cling to his same old litany as well as his blaming everything on George W. Bush. At some point will the President stand up, man up, and assume responsibility or will we continue to hear this crying and whimpering from Obama through 2012?

Really, it is starting to become so predictable, so pathetic to hear a US President blame everyone else. At some point the duped and drugged media will wake up and realize they've been played like a Stradivarius by a crafty and cunning White House that is transparently loyal to the euphemism of politics of the absurd.

The Republicans have ideas about healthcare, but Obama does NOT want to hear them. Obama is following down the partisan path of destruction of this nation to the point that he is making James Earl Carter look like he did an OK job as President.