Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Silent Synecdoche, Regurgitation, and 'Just Words'

Mr. Obama's 2nd State of the Union proved again his love for rhetoric and caveats. Short on details and substance, contrite with those who oppose his ideological views, Mr. Obama once again left us unconvinced that he is truly concerned with the escalating deficit, which is now exponentially out of control.

The Devil is in the details, and Mr. Obama cleverly left out the agonizing details of how restrictions and limitations on insurance companies and the private sector would reduce their services, cut jobs, and in the short term eliminate private sector healthcare plans. The CBO has estimated that if the private sector healthcare folds and insurance companies fold it would amount to approximately 5 million jobs lost. It's just words, Mr. Obama, just words. But these are extremely important words.

Let's talk about "just words, just words," as you so often and so eloquently state when campaigning, Mr. Obama. You used an operative word in your comments about malpractice reform. You said you would "consider" it. "Consider" it doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement, does it? Or is it 'just words, just words' to pacify a nation so you can ram a healthcare bill through Congress?

Other than that comment, Mr. Obama, you simply regurgitated everything in H.R. 3200.

The phrase "public option" is nothing more than a silent synecdoche for government run healthcare...and look how well they have done with Fannie, Freddie, Cash for Clunkers, the Postal Service, VA services, Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. Mr. Obama, when are you going to give us the word that the Congressional Budget Office reported this week that your Government Motors will not be able to pay back the $70 billion the hard working taxes payers gave them? Is $70 Billion 'just words, just words'?

Silly me, those were all the faults of the Bush Adm.

You know, that's like me saying that any student who didn't do well in my class was the fault of Elementary teachers!!

If the American people bought those 'just words' last night, then they bought a lemon.

Let's face it. There are simply some people out there who think the Public Option is going to be free, some who have no peripheral vision, and some who can't make a decision on their own. These are the people who worship at the altar of the Almighty GOVERNMENT as their savior in life.