Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Want To Make A Real Change?

Start by voting out the Democrats who control Congress. Why? Anyone remember when Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as Speaker of the House? Remember her statement, "Under a Democratic controlled Congress, gas prices WILL NOT GO UP!" Guess what, Nancy, the prices didn't just go up, they went BALLISTIC, THROUGH THE CEILING".

Looks like Nancy lied to us.

Congress refuses to let oil companies drill for oil. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if demand is greater than supply, prices go up. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Congress will not let oil companies drill for oil, we are going to be in short supply. Thus, HIGHER PRICES.

Why is Congress led by DEMOCRATS PELOSI and REID being so stubborn? Because they are in bed with the ENVIRONMENTALISTS who as AL GORE wrote in his book in 1993, Earth in the Balance, "believe Americans should pay $5.00 a gallon." Hence, to be green you have to pay a higher price. If you want to be green, don't complain about gas prices.

If, however, you believe there is a responsible way to be green and care about the environment, go to American Solutions and sign the petition: Drill Here. Drill Now. Lower Gas Prices.

Friday, May 23, 2008