Friday, November 17, 2006

Well, well, Dems are at it, again!

One knew it wouldn't last long. The love fest in Congress seems to have taken a slap across the face, and it's a slap coming from of all places, the Main Stream Media.

Seems as if Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have a past. Supposedly according to my Dem insiders within the Beltway, Nancy and Steny were interns together for a MD Senator many many years ago. The word is the two HATE, HATE each other.

No one seems to care why they hate each other, but it doesn't bode well for a unified leadership in the House. Nancy lost her first party battle on Thursday when her handpicked lapdog, go-boy, John Murtha, got a walloping in the election for the House Majority Leader. Did it have anything to do with his shaky lobby dealings that left him as an unindicted co-conspirator? Did it have anything to do with the fact that his election as Majority Leader might have shed the culture of corruption shadow over Nancy's new reign? Did it have anything to do with an investigation of his steering funds and business to his brother's lobbying business?

Then there's Nancy cold disdain for her congressional colleague from California. That issue will come out over the next few weeks depending on committee chairmanships. Time will tell whether Nancy will be debunked as some in the MSM are suggesting. Not to worry. Steny is now the Majority Leader, and if Nancy should strike out again, watch him lurk for the position of Speaker of the House. Apparently, Steny would love to see Nancy fail.

Folks, it's politics as usual inside the Beltway. The election doesn't seem to have changed anything. Oh, by the way, Nancy's first 100 hour plan seems to have been trashed, too!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Who Did The Duping?

Republicans are running around now blaming their election losses on Bush's removal of Rumsfeld after the election. Give me a break, GOP! You lost big time because you let power go to your head. True, that usually happens to a political party that has not been in power for so long. The truth, however, is that too many Republican elected officials lost sight of their conservative principles and became enamored with power.

Now, however, were the voters of Pennsylvania duped? On Monday, November 13 re-elected Governor Ed Rendell announced he is seeking a 13 cent tax on a gallon of gasoline as well as on motor oil products! Did he mention this before the election? Whether Fast-Eddie will admit it or not, he is openly asking for a tax increase. Who will this tax increase impact the most? Well, it will not be on the big oil companies. It is a tax on everyone but it's biggest impact will be on the lower socio-economic class as well as the middle class.

Hillary has announced that Hillary Health Care is back. She says the CEOs have endorsed it. Well, yeah, why wouldn't a CEO love to shift the healthcare burden to the government? Hillary might as well have announced she is going to raise your taxes.

Okay, you answer the question: Who did the duping?