Friday, November 17, 2006

Well, well, Dems are at it, again!

One knew it wouldn't last long. The love fest in Congress seems to have taken a slap across the face, and it's a slap coming from of all places, the Main Stream Media.

Seems as if Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have a past. Supposedly according to my Dem insiders within the Beltway, Nancy and Steny were interns together for a MD Senator many many years ago. The word is the two HATE, HATE each other.

No one seems to care why they hate each other, but it doesn't bode well for a unified leadership in the House. Nancy lost her first party battle on Thursday when her handpicked lapdog, go-boy, John Murtha, got a walloping in the election for the House Majority Leader. Did it have anything to do with his shaky lobby dealings that left him as an unindicted co-conspirator? Did it have anything to do with the fact that his election as Majority Leader might have shed the culture of corruption shadow over Nancy's new reign? Did it have anything to do with an investigation of his steering funds and business to his brother's lobbying business?

Then there's Nancy cold disdain for her congressional colleague from California. That issue will come out over the next few weeks depending on committee chairmanships. Time will tell whether Nancy will be debunked as some in the MSM are suggesting. Not to worry. Steny is now the Majority Leader, and if Nancy should strike out again, watch him lurk for the position of Speaker of the House. Apparently, Steny would love to see Nancy fail.

Folks, it's politics as usual inside the Beltway. The election doesn't seem to have changed anything. Oh, by the way, Nancy's first 100 hour plan seems to have been trashed, too!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Who Did The Duping?

Republicans are running around now blaming their election losses on Bush's removal of Rumsfeld after the election. Give me a break, GOP! You lost big time because you let power go to your head. True, that usually happens to a political party that has not been in power for so long. The truth, however, is that too many Republican elected officials lost sight of their conservative principles and became enamored with power.

Now, however, were the voters of Pennsylvania duped? On Monday, November 13 re-elected Governor Ed Rendell announced he is seeking a 13 cent tax on a gallon of gasoline as well as on motor oil products! Did he mention this before the election? Whether Fast-Eddie will admit it or not, he is openly asking for a tax increase. Who will this tax increase impact the most? Well, it will not be on the big oil companies. It is a tax on everyone but it's biggest impact will be on the lower socio-economic class as well as the middle class.

Hillary has announced that Hillary Health Care is back. She says the CEOs have endorsed it. Well, yeah, why wouldn't a CEO love to shift the healthcare burden to the government? Hillary might as well have announced she is going to raise your taxes.

Okay, you answer the question: Who did the duping?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Nickel Mines

On Monday, October 2, 2006 the world witnessed a heinous murder that sent shock waves reverberating globally. The devastating assassination of innocent young Amish girls in southeastern Lancaster County at the Nickel Mines Schoolhouse was a senseless, grotesque act of personal selfishness.

Yet from this tragedy comes a lesson for a lifetime. The Amish community used their own personal loss to give the English a lesson of Biblical proportions: Everlasting Faith and Eternal Grace.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Premptive Capitulation

Despite the Democrats in the US and their allies around the world opposed to Bush's Premptive Strike Policy, it seems they now see the value in premption. The Dem Libs now advocate Premption Capitulation which means don't offend terrorists, and they won't bother you.

Now that strategy is the same as saying to criminals, if you don't anger them or upset them, then criminals won't rob, steal, rape, or kill.

Couple that philosophy along with the Murtha Re-deployment of troops to Okinawa to stand ready in the Middle East is pure, unadulterated idiocy.

Premptive Capitulation and the Murtha Re-deployment strategy are the same as waving the white surrender flag.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Where's the NY Times and Washington Post On This?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Iraqi President: USA Presence PREVENTS Invasion

In a speech at the Woodrow Wilson Center, according to Agence France Press, yesterday Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said it plainly, "The American presence has always prevented any kind of foreign invasion to Iraq."

He added, "That's one of the main reasons why we think that we need an American presence even symbolical, in the country, to prevent our neighbors attacking us... I think that our neighbors must understand that our patience is limited... And we mean all of them!"

One more item from Talabani, "The immediate departure of coalition forces would only unleash the terrorists. I cannot promise when or how the American presence will completely end in Iraq but I can promise that American soldiers DO NOT FIGHT IN VAIN!" (emphasis mine)

A quick scan of this morning's New York Times shows no mention of the significant analysis by the Iraqi president.

From Posted by Kevin McCullough at 6:30 AM

Monday, September 25, 2006

Uncontrolled Rage

Welcome to an insight into the real Bill Clinton!

George Stephanopoulis has referenced his former boss’s anger as Purple Rage.

Once again the American people were subjected to that wagging finger routine as Bill Clinton lashed out in uncontrolled rage when interviewed by Chris Wallace.

His true temperament should now be apparent as well as his inability to take criticism along with his self glorified perspective on his job as the President.

He dared Wallace to check the Richard Clark book on the facts. Whether Chris Wallace did or not, Mahout cannot say. But Mahout did, and Bill Clinton is trying to lead the American people down a slippery slope with his lies during his Sunday interview. Richard Clark points out that Bill Clinton was completely distracted from dealing with the terrorism issue by his extramarital and sexual liaison with his intern Monica Lewinsky. Richard Clark also points out that the Bush 43rd administration did not demote him, but that he, Richard Clark, himself asked for and received the transfer into the internet intelligence division to focus on the use of the internet in terrorism.

The real truth is this: Bill Clinton cannot tell the truth about himself and his inept presidency.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Bumper Sticker Spotted

Recently spotted bumper sticker was one of an American eagle next to the American flag. The bumper sticker read: "America---protecting Europe's A-- since 1917."

Well stated and right on target.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Missed Opportunities Results in Failed Leadership

The Clinton Administration continues their pursuit of a legacy. Their legacy, however, is not what they want it to appear. While their pursuit is one of grandiose leadership, it actually is one of failed opportunities to thwart the growth of terrorism. notes a few highlights:

“* January 25, 1993: Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani, fired an AK-47 into cars waiting at a stoplight in front of the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Virginia, killing two CIA employees.

* February 26, 1993: Islamic terrorists try to bring down the World Trade Center with car bombs. They failed to destroy the buildings, but killed 6 and injured over 1000 people.

* December 11, 1994: A bomb explodes on board Philippine Airlines Flight 434, killing a Japanese businessman. It develops that Ramzi Yousef planted the bomb to test it for the larger terrorist attack he is planning.

* June 25, 1996: The Khobar Towers bombing, carried out by Hezbollah with Iranian support. Nineteen U.S. servicemen were killed and 372 wounded.

* February 24, 1997: An armed man opens fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, United States, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from several countries. A handwritten note carried by the gunman claims this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of Palestine".

* August 7, 1998: Al Qaeda bombs U.S. embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, killing 225 people and injuring more than 4,000.

* December 1998: Jordanian authorities foil a plot to bomb American and Israeli tourists in Jordan, and arrest 28 suspects as part of the 2000 millennium attack plots.

* December 14, 1998: Ahmed Ressam is arrested on the United States–Canada border in Port Angeles, Washington; he confessed to planning to bomb the Los Angeles International Airport as part of the 2000 millennium attack plots.

* January 2000: The last of the 2000 millennium attack plots fails, as the boat meant to bomb USS The Sullivans sinks.

* October 12, 2000: AL Qaeda bombs USS Cole with explosive-laden speedboat, killing 17 US sailors and wounding 40, off the port coast of Aden, Yemen.

Between 1993 and 2000, everyone who was paying any attention knew that the threat from Islamic terrorism was grave and getting worse. The catastrophic losses that occurred on September 11, 2001, could just as easily have happened in 1993, when the first plot to destroy the World Trade Center was carried off successfully, but the terrorists had miscalculated the effect of their explosives, or in 1995, when the plot to destroy eleven American airplanes in flight was thwarted by counter-intelligence work in the Philippines.

What did the Clinton administration do in response to this grave threat? Essentially, nothing. Worse, Clinton tried to sweep the problem under the rug, lest it disrupt the surface calm and prosperity for which he was eager to claim credit.”


Monday, August 28, 2006

Armitage's Sabotage

Former Deputy Secretary of State under Bush malcontent Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, was the source that "outed" Valerie Plame. Apparently it wasn't a vast right wing Oval Office conspiracy masterminded by Vice-President Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, Karl Rove, and President Bush after all. Instead, it was a disenchanted, non-teamplayer, who got his marching orders from Colin Powell that "leaked" a non-covert CIA employee's name to the media.

Perhaps the Justice Department owes the American people a sincere apology as well as Scooter Libby for this inane inquiry into the leak since the Justice Department was told two years ago by Armitage that he was the source. It certainly raises the question as to what was Patrick Fitzgerald's motive since he knew from the moment he was given this assignment that Armitage was the source.

Better yet, perhaps the Justice Department should investigate Fitzgerald's handling of the inquiry and whether he had a political motive.

One now has to question how Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame can proceed with a civil suit against Cheney, Libby, and Rove for defamation of character since they did not leak nor harm Wilson or Plame. One also has to wonder if Cheney, Libby, and Rove have a valid reason to counter-sue Wilson and Plame for false accusations?

Friday, August 25, 2006

Eschatological, Historical, and Exegetical Analysis

Debatable hermeneutical assumptions aside, the book of Daniel in both the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament teaches that the rise to power of a world leader who works great blasphemy and abomination of desolation in the Temple of Jerusalem signals the beginning of the ends of time.

According to Daniel, the Great Tribulation will mark “the day of the L-rd.” It is interesting that only in Daniel 9: 24-27 is the word ‘messiah’ used in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament. Daniel’s prophecy predicts the coming of a ‘messiah’ who will judge the man of sin [ evil leader ] and his followers.

At the time of this ‘messiah’s’ coming, Israel will turn to the ‘messiah’ so that her sins and transgressions will be “brought to an end.” {Zechariah 12:10} This Judgment Day will culminate in the fulfillment of every prophecy in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament while at the same time consecrate the Temple in a New Jerusalem.

For the Faithful believers of G-d, the question may be arising as to who is this man of evil? Some argue that this is all bunk while others offer interesting analysis based on history and scripture. For some students of the ends of time, one group proposes that we are currently moving towards this prophecy. The vitriolic hatred spewing from the Islamic fascists mouthpieces led by Iran’s Ahmadinejad can only raise one’s interest in the ends of time discussion.

Going back to Daniel, the prophecy tells of one influential and very powerful leader emerging in the North. Hence, the “king out of the North” will seize the world stage and gather other nations to join him in his attack on Israel. Zechariah in chapter 14 declares that the city of Jerusalem will be seized by the King of the North’s forces. The L-rd will fight this battle at the Mount of Olives. According to Daniel 11:45 and Zechariah 14, the final beast, the false prophet, and all those who fought against Israel will come to their terrible end at the hand of G-d.

Was Daniel’s prophecy merely a pipe dream? No. Daniel’s prophecies coincide with historical events recorded by Josephus as well as coincide with other Hebrew Bible and Old Testament prophecies. Additionally, in the Christian theology, Christ referenced Daniel’s ‘abomination of desolation’ prediction in his Olivet Discourse while the writer of Revelation elaborated on the ends of time using similar words and sentiments expressed by Daniel and Isaiah.

Daniel’s message of over 2500 years has stood the test of time. His focus was on Middle East events of unrest, contention, and terrorism as well as on Jerusalem as the center of power and prophecy. More importantly, Daniel was the conduit of G-d’s plan for humanity and His people to whom He had promised redemption, eternal life, and that He would make good on that promise.

(To those Christians' who debunk and disregard the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament, it leaves one to wonder how Christians can disregard the Hebrew Bible’s prophecies and laws since these are the basic tenets upon which Christ based his teachings.)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Just When We Thought

Just when we thought perhaps his silence might last, Jimmy Carter has decided to crawl out from some hole and express an opinion on Israel. Personally, his audacity to even begin to reprimand anybody about a failed Middle East policy is incredible.

Perhaps someone should refresh this retired peanut farmer's feeble memory that it was his inept Middle East policy of hiding in the White House that allowed the Iranians (led by their current leader Ahmandinejad )to go unpunished and undaunted after they attacked, captured and held hostage 52 American citizens for 444 days. Not only did Carter completely fail in this crisis, but his inaction emboldened the jihadists in their grand design to destroy freedom and liberty. The Iranians not only humiliated these hostages, but they destroyed our embassy and burned our flag.

Meanwhile, Carter hid in the White House presumably by a fire while wearing a sweater...his version of an energy policy. Leadership? Carter wouldn't know it if it smacked him across the face.

Thanks, Mr. Carter, but Israel and the US do not need any comments from the peanut gallery.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


History records that the US has been involved in nine world wars as a sovereign nation and as part of the British Empire. Two wars, however, seem to be ignored by historians and political scientists as world wars. The Cold War, contrary to popular opinion that it was a none shooting war, was a global ideological war fought on many fronts. And yes, there was shooting involved. Don't think so? Try asking the 58,000+ who gave their lives in Vietnam. The Cold War lasted from 1945 till 1990-92. The Cold War deserves the designation of WWIII.

The War on Terror is an ideological struggle between the forces of democracy and the forces of a controlling and vengeful,hating Islamo-Fascists ideology that has but one goal: destruction of freedom and liberty. The War on Terror deserves the designation of WWIV.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lamont and Israel

After winning the Connecticut Democratic Primary for the Senate nomination, Ned Lamont responded to questions about the Israeli-Hezbollah War. He suggested that Israel should consider giving up more land to the Hezbollah demands.

This is the mentality of the defeatists, and this is the mentality of those who want to make our national security policy.

After today, is there any doubt who should be in the Senate and working with the Bush Administration to make national security decisions?

Let's Review, Once Again, The Perils of Extremists

If one wants to truly understand the War on Terror, study the Holy Crusades. The capture of hostages,the torture of hostages, even the beheadings of hostages make the connection to the Holy Crusades all too obvious. This in no way belittles or lessens the horrors of such atrocities, but these events should make it evidently clear to all people that it isn't just Americans who are the targets.

Every person is a potential target of these fundamentalist extremists. Their targets are in the millions and their goals can be reduced to a few: eliminate the infidels and exterminate the non-believers. Their ultimate goal is to purge the world of all but their version of Islam.1

Infidels is an English word for the Arabic kufr, which means an unbeliever. Islam was founded on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad who issued the first jihad against Jews… which he called infidels.

Al Qaeda is a radical, extremist Wahhabis fundamentalist Muslim group that has one goal: a world filled only with their followers. It doesn't matter if someone is American, Korean, Spanish, Indian, Lebanese, British, or even French. If you are a non-believer of the Wahhabis brand of Islam, you are an infidel.

Islamic fundamentalism has been growing rapidly since the 1970s. Perhaps the West's first clue of potential problems was the oil embargo in 1974. One only has to re-examine the fall of the Shah of Iran, the Ayottollah Khomeini's Revolution in Iran, and the capture of the 52 American hostages in 1979 to sense we were confronting a serious threat. Jimmy Carter's feeble pacification and willingness to placate this terrorist situation only worsened the American fate. The reaction of Carter to the crisis in the Middle East encouraged the growth of a hatred and disdain for the Western Great Satan. In the mid 1980s the fundamentalist had developed a strategy: manipulate the Palestinian situation and create a disturbance with Israel. Thus, the intifadah was born. Unbeknownst to the Palestinians, the leaders of the Islamic movement really did not give a hoot about the plight of the Palestinians. They did, however, relish using these poor souls plight to further their major goal: divide the Western world.

Emerging as the leader of this movement was a Saudi by the name of Usama bin Laden. By 1998, bin Laden had recruited operatives in a global network with a single mission: the planned destruction and indiscriminate slaughter against the infidels. In 1998 he declared a jihad in the name of the World Islamic Front. According to Middle Eastern expert Bernard Lewis,bin Laden made it clear in his jihad declaration that he was not focusing on a jihad in a moral sense, but "in the classical and traditional sense of a holy war against apostates and infidels---apostates, of course, are the existing rulers of most of the Islamic countries, seen as renegades from Islam and puppets of their infidel patrons and sponsors." Bin Laden's message is a frightening one.

If you, as President of the United States in 1998, had received this message, how would you have responded? Bin Laden told his followers "to kill Americans and their allies, both civil and military….By God's leave, we call on every Muslim who believes in god and hopes for reward to obey God's command to kill Americans and plunder their possessions wherever he finds them and whenever he can. Likewise we call on the Muslim ulema and leaders and youth and soldiers to launch attacks against the armies of the American devils and against those who are allied with them from among the helpers of Satan".

As the leader of the free world, as the Commander in Chief, and as the Chief Executive, would you have paid heed to this warning? When the Sudan offered you the opportunity to arrest bin Laden would you have jumped at it or ignored it? When bin Laden took responsibility for blowing up two American embassies in Africa, would you have responded by launching a Cruise Missile into an aspirin factory?

There is a consistent pattern which the politicos on the left are missing: "It was discernible in the Riyadh massacres of November 8, 2003, when the target was Lebanese Christians at Khobar, the terrorists spared one American because he was Muslim. The Al Qaeda operatives have happily killed Filippino, Swedish, British, Italian, South Africans, and Indians. Muslims who do not share the extremists' vision asophisticated."2 The sophisticated, well armed Hezbollah is as dangerous as Al Qaeda. It is Hezbollah which has struck Israel and the United States with impunity, and the hapless, pathetic farce of an international body known as the UN acquiesces while running in retreat from terrorist organizations.

"These killings are not about the Abu Ghraib prison scandal or American actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, though those are grievances. These are not about Israel, though that is another grievance. In fact, most of the Islamist terrorists victims worldwide are not Americans or even Westerners, but Asian and Middle Eastern Christians, Muslims, and Hindus. For the extremists, the justification for the slaughter is not current foreign policy but rather as an apocalyptic war to purge the world of all but their version of Islam."3

"Spaniards will not be spared because Spanish troops are gone from Iraq. Europe cannot make its way into the terrorists good graces by distancing itself from America, any more than the United States can mollify the Islamists by acting through the United Nations or wooing world opinion. These are fantasies."4

Think about it briefly. Does Al Qaeda's leadership really care about the lives of the young Muslims who are willing to die as martyrs for their cause? No. Life is dispensable, it is worthless. If life were valuable or meaningful to the Al Qaeda leadership, they wouldn't be so willing to have suicide bombers. The leadership of Al Qaeda is much like Hitler and the Nazi leaders and like the Japanese leaders of WWII. Everything is done for the glorification of their goal: global domination based on cruelty, torture, and dehumanizing behavior. If their cause is so noble, then why are the Al Qaeda leaders and operatives not leading the suicide missions themselves? No, it's all about domination and power.

The sad truth is that a whole group of people has become the pawns of the Islamic fundamentalist movement. The Palestinians are used as the whipping boy, the rallying cry, and the focal point to draw attention away from the real mission of the Wahhabis movement. Unfortunately, the imams, caliphs, and sheiks have become blinded by this fatalistic religious movement. Their schools, houses of worship, and books are filled with hatred for the Infidel, the non-believer. This radical hatred is accomplishing what the Wahhabis want: dissension among the non-believers as to what to do about the war on terror.

Al Qaeda's enemy is anyone who opposes its program for the restoration of a unified Muslim ummah, ruled by a new Caliphate, governed by reaction Islamic sharia law, and organized to wage jihad on the rest of the world. The lesson of Riyadh and Khobar is that we can resist this program, in which case, tragically, we may see more videos of beheadings. Or we can acquiesce to this program and see a great many more hostages captured, tortured, and beheaded. These are the choices. We are in a war we must win. Everything else is wishful thinking.5

Sometimes the grievances and issues involved in the conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims are ethnic, territorial, social, economic, but the real struggle is religion. Religion is the major, defining struggle in these areas: Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Kashmir, Sinkiang, Philippines, Palestine, Timor, West Africa, and Sudan.

Only the uninformed would argue that these conflicts are something other than manifestations of Western dominance over the Islamic world. This conflict has been growing since the end of the Holy Crusades and the Treaty of Carlowitz resulting in the defeat of the Ottoman Empire at the hands of the Christian world. Ever since the Holy Crusades the Muslim world views all problems as ultimately religious, and all the final answers are naturally religious. For the present leaders of the fundamentalist sect of Islam, the goal is elimination of Western powers and the extermination of infidels.

Bernard Lewis raises the pertinent question, which some people fail to see just as some, failed to see it with the rise of Hitler. "Will the cause of freedom triumph over terror as it did over the Nazis and Communism?"

Saturday, July 29, 2006

A View on the World

The world seems asleep and numb to the ill winds sweeping across the plains, valleys, mountains and coastal regions of the world. Not only is there the turmoil of war in the Middle East, but there is saber rattling from every corner of the earth.

N.Korea, Iran, and Pakistan are clamoring for nuclear weapons. They aren't asking for nuclear power to provide industrial growth. They want nuclear weapons.

Hugo Chavez has now joined the nuclear weapons club wanna bes, and he has successfully struck a weapons deal with Russia.

There are two nations who have great influence over these saber rattling nations. Those nations are Russia and China.

The U.S. has a card it can play, but apparently it is reluctant to play it. A moratorium on US businesses locating in Russia and China would send a realistic economic message to both Russia and China that the US is serious about putting the halt to N. Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and Venezuela plans to become nuclear powers.

Our failure will spell doom for the rest of the world.

Just as we must continue to support Israel in the fight of its life, we must up the ante for those nations wanting, seeking, and procuring nuclear weapons.

Let's be realistic about the world. Hezbollah is an extension of the Iranian army, and they have but one desire: the elimination of Israel.

We do not need a repeat of the world's mistake to heed the rise of Nazism. Do not think for one second that the Islamo-Fascists would openly welcome Christians or any non-Muslims as their friends and allies. They have one and only one goal.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ignorance Personified

The radical liberals and their partners in ignorance personified--main stream media-- amount to what Spiro Agnew might have dubbed as the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism. Listening to these ignorant nabobs blast America and Israel for standing strong against terrorism is disgusting.

Now they argue that the deaths are disproportionately distributed. Since when is war suppose to make sure that both sides lose the same number of persons? If that's the rule, who would ever win a war? Maybe the ignorant nabobs failed their American history courses. In WWII, in the Pacific Theatre the US lost 92,000 while Japan lost about 1.9 MILLION. You draw the conclusions.

To discuss the complaints of some of those Americans being evacuated is to insult your intelligence. But maybe some who are busy working and being self reliant may not know that some of the evacuees are comparing their rescue to Katrina, the food is bad, the flies are pesky, there's no place to sleep, and it goes on to adnauseam. First, Lebanon has long been on the warning list of places the US considers a risk for its citizens to visit. Second, the US did not have prior warning that this crisis would develop. Third, since when is a rescue suppose to provide all the comforts of home?

When you look at what these nattering nabobs are whining and complaining about, you realize they are nothing more than ignorance personified.

Failed Organization

The United Nations has demonstrated repeatedly that it is a failed institution. The problem is not its pathetic culture of corruption leadership. The problem is not its arrogant Blue Helmets who are totally incompetent. The problem is not its lack of institutional controls over accounting, over workers, and over policy. The problem is not its inability to enforce whatever weak and lame resolutions that it might eventually get around to passing.

The problem is it is a confederate power structure. Anyone who has a seventh grade level of education should be able to tell you that confederate power structures are totally inept. For those who don't understand, in a confederacy all the power is located in the members who comprise the organization. The only authority a confederate power has is the power that the members give the confederate organization.

The UN cannot call up troops. The UN cannot tax, and a government that cannot tax is doomed to failure.

Most confederate structured organizations have not lasted long. Two examples from US history would be the Articles of Confederation (1776-1878) and the Confederate States of America (1861-1865). The only reason the UN has lasted since 1946 is because the US has always propped it up.

The UN cannot, will not, and never will be an organization that can deliver on its promises.

Monday, July 17, 2006

What Needs To Be Done

The world faces perhaps the most strident and perilous crisis in history. The world as we know it-and even as our fathers knew it-faces an enemy who no longer fears democracy. Liberalism that lacks a core value and operates on the weakened pretense of passive non-resistance has kowtowed to the Islamo-Fascist fundamentalists.

We fail to understand the simple point and message: The Islamo-Fascist Fundamentalists have vowed to destroy not only Israel but democracy and civilization as we know it.

And what have we done to stop it?

Jimmy Carter in 1979 hid in the White House. William Jefferson Clinton stayed in the Oval Office with an intern. The main stream media joined with the enemy and revealed as many of the methods of surveillance used by the Bush Administration to stop the terrorist from striking us.

A cease fire with the terrorists Hezbollah and Hamas will only prolong the Islamo Fscist movement.

Ignoring the demonic regime in Iran by allowing them to acquire nuclear weapons will be a devastating blow to our existence.

The Fabian Socialist media is willing to destroy this nation, and for what? A world gone mad that will make the Holy Crusades look like romper room.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

How To Win The War on Terrorism

"It's not the will to win that matters...everyone has that. It's the will to PREPARE to win that matters." -- Paul William Bryant

Something radical extremists surrender liberals will never understand.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Message for the New York Times

"Military action is important to the nation----it is the ground of death and life, the path of survival and destruction, so it is imperative to examine it." Master Sun Tzu

"The formation and procedure used by the military should not be divulged beforehand." Master Sun Tzu

"Making the armies able to take on opponents without being defeated is a matter of unorthodox and orthodox methods." Master Sun Tzu

"Espionage is essential for military operations, and the armies depend on this in their actions." Master Sun Tzu

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Murtha and the Rush to Judgment

Pennsylvania Democrat Jack Murtha whose brother has pocketed millions of dollars from Jack Murtha's position as the Ranking Member on the House Defense committee is anti-military.

Murtha has already arrested, indicted, tried, and convicted members of the Marines as murderers.

His statements have violated their constitutional rights to a fair trial because he has convinced the main stream liberal radical media that the Marines are guilty.

Shame on Murtha. Shame on his constituents for allowing such a person to represent them in Congress. Wonder how Murtha would react to our rush to judgment that he has used his position as the ranking chair to benefit financially from defense contracts?

Probably Jack Murtha would be outraged. Wonder how the Marines must feel?

Where's the Outrage?

The horrendous murder of U.S. forces in Iraq is hauntingly a reminder of Somalia. Almost as horrendous is the lack of an outrage by members of Congress and mostly that of President Bush.

Mr. Bush, you have lost support because you fail to react with emotion and when you do react it appears canned and controlled.

Leaders don't take action based on polls, and leaders show emotion when soldiers are murdered by coward terrorists.

FDR's, Truman's, JFK's, and LBJ's War Strategy

Do you think FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, and LBJ would have agreed with the present Democratic leaders' war strategy of SURRENDER, TURN TAIL, CUT and RUN?


The U.S. forces have uncovered WMDs in Iraq. The U.S. Intelligence Community had this information classified as Top Secret so their incompetence in not finding these stashes earlier would not be revealed.

Our Founding Fathers did not create a government by bureaucracy. Unfortunately, over the years our government had become hijacked by career bureaucrats who impose their own public agendas on the American people.

We need to clean out these demogogues in our bureaucracy and return the government to the people as required by the Constitution.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Totally Discombobulated

The left wing radical liberal party known as the Democratic Party is so far removed from its foundation of Jeffersonian-Jacksonian Democracy it is not even funny. In fact, most Democrats today probably do not have a clue as to what is Jeffersonian-Jacksonian Democracy.

So, in order to enlighten the illiterate such as Madeleine Albright, Al Gore, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Jack Murtha, Nanci Pelosi, and the clueless, Jeffersonian-Jacksonian Democrats stood for a strong America that did not surrender, cut and run from national obligations. Another characteristic of Jeffersonian-Jacksonian Democracy was its strong commitment to the rule of law and not distorting the law.

Jefferson and Jackson would be appalled at the impotent and pathetic statements by "leaders" such as Albright ("leader of North Korea is not stupid, and he's provoked by the U.S. War in Iraq") and Murtha("We should withdraw our troops from Iraq and deploy them to Okinawa"). When a reasonable person examines those pathetic remarks and then realizes they are leaders of their party, one has to wonder if the Democratic Party is totally discombobulated or just asleep at the wheel.

Perhaps the most telling sign that the Democrats fail the Jeffersonian-Jacksonian test is the party's efforts to defeat and unseat Sen. Joe Lieberman. Even Big Boy Al Gore will not lend support or endorse his former VP running mate. Talk about egos gone to the dogs!

The Democratic Party is on the verge of complete disintegration because they are nothing more than an aggregation of segmented interest groups obsessed with the desire for power not policies that secure and develop our nation. They could care less about a public policy agenda as long as they are in power. They lack unity, and thus, they lack a cohesive strategy of how to lead the United States. Most tragically, they do not understand why they have lost control and cannot win elections. It really does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out, does it?

Friday, June 09, 2006

International Cooperation

International efforts led to the successful elimination of the brute killer Abu Musab Al Zarqawi hiding in an opulent safe house north of Baghdad. The world is better off with this monster resting somewhere other than on this earth.

To the liberal pundits who scoff at this accomplishment and want to bring the troops home today, you just don't get it. You probably never will. Terrorists have you pegged. They know you are cowardly and afraid of your own shadow.

That's why some of us are thankful you aren't in charge of our nation's defense because you would have surrendered on 9/11.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Uno de Mayo: Go Ahead and Butt! Just Come on Over!

Now that Uno de Mayo has come and gone, what did we learn? Truly, not a whole lot. The nation's economy did not tank. The market continued to operate despite the absence of low skilled workers. Some employers have sold their souls to illegal immigrant workers in order to earn more profit. So, what else?

Perhaps the immigrants who want amnesty fail to understant what has many Americans upset. It's really simple. Yes, we are a nation of immigrants, but the vast majority of those who came in as immigrants came the LEGAL way.

What most of the illegals are failing to grasp is the concept of the rule of law. Very simply that means the law applies to all. It means you apply to come into the United States and wait your turn. You don't butt! You play by the rules. If you are not willing to play by the rules to become a citizen, chances are you will not play by the rules if you are granted citizenship willy-nilly.

People tend to value things that they work hard to earn and achieve. People tend to take lightly and neglect those things that they are given without any effort on their own part.

People who are given everything with no cost to themselves tend to expect a free hand-out all the time. If we think we have a welfare state now, just wait till Congress grants all these illegals amnesty. Better yet, why not just open the borders and let everyone who wants to enter, come on in. As Bob Barker says on the Price is Right, "Come on down!"

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Couldn't Have Said It Better

The Center for Security Policy is a superb website for those who are interested in our nation's security. It is a sad day in the US when many Americans have either forgotten what happened on 9-11 or think we shouldn't talk about it because it's too soon. Those sentiments border on disastrous for our nation.

The biggest security issue facing our nation is the immigration problem. Congress has submitted some rather lame proposals that in reality amount to absolutely no resolution of the problem. There is one sure way to bring a rapid halt to the problem, but I don't believe the Congress nor the President have the intestinal fortitude to implement it.

Take a page from the EPA. Anytime the EPA is called in to investigate a business for EPA violations, the beginning fine simply for the EPA coming is $250,000. Now if you really want to stop illegal immigration, why not fine every business in the US that hires illegals under the table? Let's say we fine them $250,000 per month until they no longer have illegals among their employees. How soon do you think illegals would be willing to apply for citizenship? How soon do you think businesses would change their practices?

Since businesses like individuals think with their pocketbook, my hunch is the illegal immigrant problem would start being resolved. And rather quickly. Businesses that continued to hire illegals could end up paying a fine of $3,000,000 a year.

I submitted this and other proposals to Pennsylvania's Senator Arlene Specter. He responded to none of my proposals, but he praised the illegals for their economic contributions. He failed to answer my question about the economic and social costs that illegals bring. He ignored my questions about why shouldn't illegals pay federal and state income taxes. He failed to explain what made the Senate think illegals would immediately dash to the nearest immigration services offices and register. Truthfully, I don't know why he bothered to reply because he failed to respond to any of my questions. Yet this man is in a position of leadership. Go figure.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A United America: One Flag, One Nation, One People

Teddy Roosevelt said it all when he made these remarks about illegals in the US. :

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is anoutrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to theAmerican people." - Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Too bad our elected officials do not have the intestinal fortitude to make a similar stand. Americans need to wake up and elect officials to Congress who are less interested in being an incumbent and more intent on serving the nation. When elected public officials cower to non-citizens, it is a sign of weakness on the part of the elected officials. Americans deserve better.

Monday, February 27, 2006

What's Going On?

The last six months of the Bush Administration leaves one to question what's going on or at least why has there been a complete lack of vetting on issues within the administration. Is this a fatigue problem? Is this a lame duck problem?

Whatever is going on, the lack of vetting on issues is a serious problem not only for Republicans and conservatives, but for the nation and the free world. Why? It smacks of a detrimental lack of leadership in the White House.

Anticipation should be the name of the game. Leaders should anticipate problems and already have probable solutions in mind for such situations. Apparently that was lacking in the most recent port issue.

Whether or not the issue of security turns out to be a justified concern on the part of members of Congress is not the point. The White House leadership should have prevented this issue by following any of these several key leadership positions. First, why is it so difficult to call in the Republican leadership of Congress and consult with them on what the White House should have presumed to be a potential issue? Second, why is it so difficult for this White House to take a bipartisan approach? Third, why is it so difficult to talk about this issue before hand in public forums? Any or all of these might have averted what is apparently making the nation appear xenophobic and anti-Arab.

Why not inform the public that Westinghouse which operates many of the nuclear facilities in the US is owned by the British government? Why not inform the public that of the $126 million dollars of foreign aid for the victims of Katrina, $100 million came from the UAE? Why not inform the public that those who buy gas from Citgo are trading with an oil company owned by the anti-US Venezuelan government?

Is it that difficult to be straight forward with the American public?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

James Risen and the State of War

With tidbits of James Risen's newest critique disguised as a book hitting the press, numerous questions should arise. Did the New York Times withhold the story in order for Mr. Risen to complete his book? Will the Democrats begin to squash the book because of the book's revelations that the Clinton administration knew Iran was working with the Russians on a nuclear arms program AND DID NOTHING TO STOP IT?

If that last statement makes any resonance at all, then Senator Clinton may have some explaining to do. After all, when Bill Clinton ran for President, wasn't it with the idea that we would get a "two-for-one" deal? Every American knows that Hillary was aware of everything going on in the Oval Office. Well, nearly everything that is.

Risen's latest contribution to the Bushwhacking strategy could very well result in special investigations with journalists being called to testify and asked to reveal their sources whom Risen describes as patriotic but will keep them anonymous.

If Mr. Bush did anything illegal or criminal, isn't he given the Constitutional right to confront his accusers?

Although unread by this writer, it will be interesting to see how accurate and well researched is Mr. Risen's book. Skeptics might be a little bit leery about journalists writing books these days; especially books written by New York Times reporters and affiliates. Seems the Times has a little bit of a credibility problem of late.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Spielberg and Munich

Will The World Go Silent?

From an artistic and cinematographic perspective, Steven Spielberg’s Munich is good. From a historic and political perspective, Munich is discursive and distorted.

Perhaps Mr. Spielberg would have been more accurate if he had issued a disclaimer at the beginning of the movie that this was a work of fiction and overgeneralization as well as glorification of the Palestinian causes. Throughout the movie, Spielberg goes to great pains to portray the Palestinian cause as justified. Depicting the Palestinians as the victims rather than the perpetrators of terrorism manifests the different standard used to judge Israel than those used to judge the Arab world. Why are Palestinians allowed to use terrorism to kill and torture innocent victims, but Israel is portrayed as evil and wicked for hunting down and killing those responsible for Olympic murders in 1972?

Spielberg painted a very different picture of Prime Minister Golda Meir than history records. In reality, Meir was absolutely adamant that Israel would extract retribution “at the time and place of Israel’s choosing” for the Munich slaughters, but not in Spielberg’s world. Spielberg’s Munich did not show outrage at the Olympic murders. Instead, Spielberg joins in the anti-Semitic accusation of painting the Israeli behavior as cosmic, satanic evil.

Maybe Mr. Spielberg should do some reading other than George Jonas’ Vengeance which has been reviewed as a biased and inaccurate book. One excellent source for Mr. Spielberg to consult is Bernard Lewis who maintains that “hatred and persecution are a normal part of the human experience”. Spielberg could read Jessica Stern, an expert on terrorism, to get a better understanding that terrorism cannot be negotiated with because they are blinded by their narrow perspective. Mr. Spielberg should read Walter Laqueur’s The New Terrorism to understand the fanaticism of the Islamic jihadists.

If it would help Mr. Spielberg, perhaps he should think of terrorists as bullies in a neighborhood. The truth is bullies only understand reality and not negotiations and pacifism.

From an historic perspective, Mr. Spielberg would be better served had he reviewed the Munich Pact of 1938 which promulgated an anti-Semitic environment not only in Germany but throughout the Middle East. Mr. Spielberg also needs to review the actions and policy of the Arab League in December 1947 which vowed to use all means at their disposal including armed intervention to stop the creation of the state of Israel. Like Mr. Spielberg, the UN and the world did not react nor criticize the Arab League. The world went silent.

The creation of the state of Israel in 1948 brought an Arab League agreement to destroy Israel. The world did not react nor criticize the Arab League. The world went silent.

Spielberg’s Munich portrays the right of nations to defend itself and its people as evil and immoral. There is a line in the movie about homes and families being costly, but Spielberg failed to grasp the significance of that poignant statement. Home---a nation---is costly. Freedom is costly. Israel is more keenly aware of the cost of freedom than other nations. It is surrounded by enemies who have vowed to destroy Israel and wipe her from the face of the earth. That alone justifies Israel’s right to avenge the Munich killings.

Under the law of nations, nations have the right to defend themselves from those nations and groups that threaten their existence. In 1972, Palestine was not considered a nation so Israel did not have to respond by the Geneva Convention. Unlike Palestine, Israel does meet the criteria for being a nation, and thus, has the right and the moral obligation to protect and defend not only its nation but more importantly its people.

Too bad Mr. Spielberg has fallen under the influence of those who oppose Israel’s rights as a nation. Too bad Mr. Spielberg has chosen to support the Palestinian cause and terrorism. Too bad Mr. Spielberg has chosen to portray Israel as evil. Too bad Mr. Spielberg’s Munich is not only politically inaccurate, but is also historically inaccurate. Too bad Mr. Spielberg advocates a different standard for judging Israel than used to judge the Palestinian movement. Too bad Mr. Spielberg does not understand history.

Israel’s very existence depends on her right to protect itself from terrorists who have pledged their life to destroying Israel. Too bad Mr. Spielberg doesn’t understand that how Israel goes determines freedom in the world. Too bad Mr. Spielberg just doesn’t get it in Munich.